
搜索资源 - Java Application-Driven
The Java EE 5 Tutorial中文版电子书(chm格式),The Java EE 5 Tutorial is an introduction to programming server-side Java applications. This book takes a task-oriented, example-driven approach to show you how to build applications for the Java EE 5 platform. Thi
With this example-driven book, you get a quick, practical, and thorough introduction to Java s API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) and the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS). Java Web Services: Up and Running takes a clear, no-nonsense approach
蓝牙模块\蓝牙芯片ROK 101 007在蓝牙语音系统中的应用,单片机通过HCI指令驱动-Bluetooth modules \ Bluetooth chip, South Korea 101 007 in the Bluetooth audio system, the application of order-driven microcontroller through the HCI
Apache Mina Server 是一个网络通信应用框架,也就是说,它主要是对基于TCP/IP、UDP/IP
协议栈的通信框架(当然,也可以提供JAVA 对象的序列化服务、虚拟机管道通信服务等),
Mina 可以帮助我们快速开发高性能、高扩展性的网络通信应用,Mina 提供了事件驱动、异
步(Mina 的异步IO 默认使用的是JAVA NIO 作为底层支持)操作的编程模型。-Apache Mina Server is a network communication applica
JAIN SLEE is the specification for a Java Service Logic and Execution Environment (SLEE)
architecture, done in Java Community Process (JCP) by several individuals and companies,
including Red Hat. A SLEE is an application server, or service conta
Java EJB 3.0实例教程——企业应用开发核心技术 PDF,网上有关EJB方面的教程并不多,本教程以简单的实例展现EJB3.0 的开发过程,适合具有Java 语言基础的EJB初学者。章节内容丰富,内容涉及环境配置、EJB包相关知识、会话BEAN、消息驱动、实体Bean、使用EJB3.0构建轻量级应用框架、Web应用等众多内容-Java EJB 3.0 tutorial examples- the core of enterprise application development tech
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
Java is a powerful, cross-platform, object-oriented programming language suitable for writing anything from a distributed application that runs on a corporate network to a database-driven Web site to host your personal photo gallery. To make it easie
利用Lucence,搜索引擎的基本实现,刚学习搜索引擎的鞋童可以参考,我自己的作业。-Use Lucence, search engine basically, just to learn search engine shoes children can refer to my own work.
本节我们学习Android四大天王的Activity,Activity密切关注用户能做什么,负责与用户交互。类似于Java Web中的页面Page,将一系列View装载起来通过内部的加载引擎展现给前台用户。可以说一个简单的Android应用就是由一组Activity组合而成。可见对于Activity的学习在整个Android移动开发学习中至关重要的一环。鉴于Android移动开发属于嵌入式系统开发的范畴,所以Google的工程师在Android平台构架设计上,将很多组件都设计成基于事件驱动的,不
This sample news application written in Java EE using MDB - Message Driven Bean to obtain data base and display it.-This is sample news application written in Java EE using MDB - Message Driven Bean to obtain data base and display it.
ZK是一套以 AJAX/XUL/Java 为基础的网页应用程式开发框架,用于丰富网页应用程式的使用接口。最大的好处是,在设计AJAX网络应用程式时,轻松简便的操作就像设计桌面程式一样。 ZK包含了一个以AJAX为基础、事件驱动(event-driven)、高互动性 的引擎,同时还提供了多样丰富、可重复使用的XUL与HTML组件,以及以XML为基础的使用接口设计语言 ZK User-interfaces Markup Language (ZUML)。-ZK is a set of web appl
Apache的Mina(Multipurpose Infrastructure Networked Applications)是一个网络应用框架,可以帮助用户开发高性能和高扩展性的网络应用程序;它提供了一个抽象的、事件驱动的异步API,使Java NIO在各种传输协议(如TCP/IP,UDP/IP协议等)下快速高效开发。(Apache Mina (Multipurpose Infrastructure Networked Applications) is a network applicatio