- Coreco Sapera Processing Search源码 强大的图象识别定位功能,广泛用于工业控制 领域. 载入BMP图象后,选取识别匹配模式,灰度与几何 匹配,自己做好模板后载入新图象自动定位特征区域.,Coreco Sapera Processing Search source positioning powerful image recognition functions, widely used in the field of industrial control.
- 这是一个字符串快速匹配的算法KMP算法,大家可以通过此算法的学习来提高自己的算法水平-This is a fast string matching algorithm KMP algorithm, we can learn through this algorithm to improve the level of their algorithm
- 学数字图像处理课程做的一个大作业,车牌识别的,用matlab编程实现,并采用了自适应阈值法,最后用模板匹配的方法实现了车牌的自动识别功能-Learn digital image processing program to do a great job, license plate recognition with matlab programming, using the adaptive threshold method, and finally with the template match
- 实现三种搜索,对文件关键字匹配的函数,川大软件架构作业实例-Achieve three search, keyword matching function for files, software architecture job instance Sichuan
- 搜索引擎课程的几次作业,第一次作业实现分词算法,使用正向最大匹配原则。第二次作业实现倒排索引。第三次作业实现正排索引。第四次作业实现索引功能。实现的比较简单,但均可正常运行。-Several job search engine programs, the first job segmentation algorithm, using forward maximum matching principle. The second job inverted index. The third job t
- 一种多级基于块匹配的运动估计。速度有加较大提升,详细要看原作业文章-A multi-stage motion estimation based on a block matching. Speed plus a larger increase detail depends on the original job post
- 这是课程设计的大作业,实现了一个图片匹配的小游戏,键盘控制-This is a big job for curriculum design, a picture matching game, keyboard control
- 使用堆栈实现的括号匹配,应用的是后缀表达式,是学习数据结构时候的实习作业。-Use the stack to achieve matching brackets application postfix expression, learning data structures when the internship job.
- 这是matlab编写的一个影像匹配的程序,是摄影测量的实习作业,其中用到相关系数法,匹配结果精度较高,希望与大家交流学习-It is written in an image matching matlab program, internship job photogrammetry, which uses the correlation coefficient method, matches high accuracy, and we hope the exchange of learning
- Abstract cookie specification which can delegate the job of parsing, validation or matching cookie attributes to a number of arbitrary CookieAttributeHandlers.
- KMP模式匹配, 改进的算法,效率更高,更易记,找工作需要-KMP pattern matching, improvement of KMP pattern matching algorithm and improved algorithm is more efficient, more easy to remember, need to find a job
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- 要内容是使用JSP+SQL server编写一个在线的作业提交系统。该系统的内容有:1登陆系统。自动区分登陆者为学生、教师、管理员,并显示相应页面。2注册系统,只提供学生的注册,教师由管理员添加,仅设1名管理员帐户,系统第一次运行时注册认证。3只有目的用户可见的留言板系统。通过对数据库的匹配查询实现。(The content is to use JSP SQL server to write an online job submission system. The contents of the