- 这是一个图书馆管理系统网络版,该程序实现了对图书馆借书还书等功能-This is a library management system network version of the program for library book and other functions
- 一款Android lbs软件,基于百度地图。-A Android lbs software, based on Baidu map.
- 一个老外的ASP的BLOG程序,很不错的,很多人在用。-A foreigner
- 中国电信CDMA终端测试规范: 1xEVDO RevB技术要求分册2009.V1.pdf BREW分册2009.V1.pdf C+W手机分册2009.V1.pdf CDMA_GSM双模终端分册2009.V1.pdf DM分册2009.V1.pdf DRM分册2009.V1.pdf Email分册2009.V1.pdf JAVA分册2009.V1.pdf LBS分册2009.V1.pdf MMS分册2009.V1.pdf PIM分册2009.V1.pdf
- mtk平台,展讯平台,2句代码轻松实现基站定位,周边设施查找,仅耗几百字节空间-mtk platform, Spreadtrum platform, two code for easy achieve base station location, look around the facilities, only a few hundred bytes of space consumption
- 提供了LBS定位功能, html与java之间的完美传值,不管你有没有兴趣, 都应该下载下来学习一下-LBS provides positioning, html and java a perfect pass between the value, whether you are not interested, you should download it and learn about
- LBS平台中GIS的研究与实现。为GIS开发人员与管理这提供一种LBS系统的实现方法。-LBS platform in GIS Research and Implementation. For GIS developers and management that provides a LBS system implementation.
- 个人开发的 一个基于android平台的LBS 旅游记忆项目 是社区应用 有地图位置的服务 记忆自己的旅游足迹 分享给好友...使用了闪屏,等各种绚丽的界面,数据库使用contentProvider来提供通过uri和界面交互。有注释,适合新手学习。-Personal development of a tourism based on the android platform of LBS applications have memory map of the project is the loc
- 基于位置的服务(Location Based Service,LBS),它是通过电信移动运营商的无线电通讯网络(如GSM网、CDMA网)或外部定位方式(如GPS)获取移动终端用户的位置信息(地理坐标,或大地坐标),在GIS(Geographic Information System,地理信息系统)平台的支持下,为用户提供相应服务的一种增值业务。基于android平台lbs开发源码-Location Based services (Location Based Service, LBS), it
- LBS系统-Foursquare for android源码Foursquare是一家基于用户地理位置信息的手机服务网站.Foursquare代码是一个相当好的商业级手机应用软件学习的例子。在仔细分析它的代码结构,以及在一些问题上采用的解决方案,对设计能力及技术上有很大提高。-LBS system- Foursquare for the android source Foursquare is a phone service website based on user location info
- Android 手机应用程序客户端,实现了一个LBS系统,在某地点CheckIn后可以和同样在该地点CheckIn的用户进行互动(聊天,送花等)-Android phone application client, an LBS system, after a location CheckIn and the same in the location CheckIn user interaction (chat, flowers, etc.)
- Android手机应用服务器端,实现了一个LBS系统的服务器端,包括定义与客户端的通信协议,与数据库的连接,以及通信逻辑的处理-Android phone application server, a server-side LBS system, including the definition of the communication protocol of the client, the connection to the database, as well as the communica
- LBS软件,类似于微博,摄像头、定位、XML、Service…都用上了,第一个还有点像样子的东西-LBS software, similar to the microblogging camera positioning, XML, Service ... have to spend a still a little like the look of things
- 技基于WIFI的室内定位项目解决方案.GPS室外定位,LBS室内定位. 但有一个缺点,就是不能进行精确定位于在某一个大厦的哪一个楼层的什么地方.而通过WIFI定位,则可以实现.-WIFI indoor location technology based project solution. GPS positioning outdoors, LBS indoor positioning, but has a drawback that they can not be refined to dete
- 定位功能:提供GPS、基站、Wi-Fi等多种定位方式,适用于室内、外多种定位场景; 基础地图:包括基础地图、卫星图、路况图和各种覆盖物,及与地图相关的操作、事件监听; 导航功能:提供语音播报、路线规划和线路导航的能力,帮助开发者实现导航业务需求; 检索功能:包括POI检索,公交信息查询,路线规划,地理编码查询,在线建议检索,短串分享等; LBS云检索:包括LBS云检索(周边、区域、城市内、详情); 计算工具:包括距离计算、坐标转换、调起百度地图导航等功能; 全景图功能:包
- Abstract: Smartphone positioning is an enabling technology used to create new business in the navigation and mobile location-based services (LBS) industries. This paper presents a smartphone indoor positioning engine named HIPE that can be easily
- In recent years, stepping with the popularization of smart phone and the development of mobile communication infrastructure, the conditions for ubiquitous computing society become more and more complete. In the vision of ubiquitous computing
- 调用百度地图API来实现基于地理位置的应用服务的一个DEMO-a little programe of LBS whilch called Baidu map API
- 一个使用百度地图API,利用LBS云存储云检索的代码,可以测试百度云存储云检索。-A use Baidu Maps API, use LBS cloud storage cloud retri code, you can test the Baidu cloud storage cloud retri .
- 是L-Blog始创、经过PL-Blog改版 然后由Ro-Blog综合LBS的部分功能而成,加入许愿板、黑白相册插件 管理用户:admin 管理密码:admin-L-Blog is founded, through the revision and then by the PL-Blog Ro-Blog comprehensive LBS some functions together, adding a vow board, black and white photo album wid