- 信道均衡 目的和原理 MLSE、 DFE、 ZF/LMMSE均衡 干扰抵消 原理 导频干扰抵消和多码道干扰抵消 HSDPA简介 主要信道 接收机结构 -Channel equalization purposes and principles of MLSE, DFE, ZF/LMMSE equalizer pilot interference cancellation principle of interference cancellation and mul
- THis transceiver system simulation to display ber vs SNR. TRansceiver is about BER comparison between LMS-RLS and MLSE receiver to invers the rayleigh fading channel. The content of system is modulation, pilot adder, awgn and rayleigh fading channel,
- This is a matlab .m file of multiple part receiver use mrc egc and mlse diversity techniques