- 基于stm32的,使用mpu6050的六轴传感器实验-Based on the STM32, using the mpu6050 six axis sensor experiment
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验1
- 实现MPU6050数据采集用在LCD上显示(MPU6050 data acquisition, used in LCD display)
- 基于cortex-m内核的mpu6050六轴传感器实验(Experiment of mpu6050 six axis sensor based on Cortex-M kernel)
- STM32单片机的进一步的开发程序,其中包括mpu6050六轴传感器实验等,可以为研究四轴飞行器等打下基础。(STM32 microcontroller further development procedures, including mpu6050, six axis sensors, experiments, etc., can be laid for the study of four axis aircraft.)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- MPU6050传感器试验,是极为适合初学者的学习代码,内部的函数等自带注释容易理解(Gyroscope sensor experiment)
- 6轴实验,STM32平台 使用keil5 开发。(The 6 axis experiment, the STM32 platform, is developed using keil5.)
STM32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- STM32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验(STM32 MPU6050 six axis sensor experiment)
- PID控制电机转速+上位机通信+绘制速度曲线(LED lamp flicker controlled by Arduino)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- dmp的mpu6050,测的数据准,可以做平衡车。(MPU6050 of DMP,The measured data is accurate and can be used as a balance vehicle.)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 传递俯仰角,滚转角,偏航角三轴数据数据到串口1(transform 3 dimetion data to com1)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 通过MPU6050六轴传感器实验中的陀螺仪功能进行三维的数值读取(Three-dimensional numerical reading through the function of the gyroscope in the experiment of the MPU6050 six axis sensor)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 使用STM32F4来驱动MPU6050,读取其原始数据,并利用其自带的DMP实现姿态解算,结合匿名四轴上位机软件和LCD显示(Using STM32F4 to drive MPU6050, read its original data, and use its own DMP to realize attitude calculation, combined with anonymous four axis PC software and LCD display)
- 正点原子的模块例程,引用官方的DMP库进行姿态解读,效果等效于卡尔曼滤波,上传给需要的同学(A modular routine of a punctuate atom, uploaded to the required students)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 振动传感器,可以用于汽车,运动等物体振动测试,包含陀螺仪和振动测量。(A vibration sensor, which can be used to test the vibration of a vehicle, motion and other objects, including gyroscopes and vibration measurements.)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- STM32f4读取mpu6050传感器数据(数据来源为正点原子)(STM32F407-MPU6050 ALIENTEK)
- 实验器材: 探索者STM32F4开发板 实验目的: 学习MPU6050 六轴传感器(三轴加速度+三轴陀螺仪)的使用. 硬件资源: 1,DS0(连接在PF9) 2,串口1(波特率:115200,PA9/PA10连接在板载USB转串口芯片CH340上面) 3,ALIENTEK 2.8/3.5/4.3/7寸TFTLCD模块(通过FSMC驱动,FSMC_NE4接LCD片选/A6接RS) 4,KEY0按键(连接在PE4) 5,MPU6050传感器(连接在PB8(
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- mpu6050实验例程,学习MPU6050六轴姿态(Mpu6050 experimental routine, learning the attitude of the six axis of the MPU6050)
MiniSTM32 MPU6050
- (寄存器版本,适合MiniSTM32开发板)扩展实验16 ATK-MPU6050六轴传感器实验((register version, suitable for MiniSTM32 development board) expand experiment 16 ATK-MPU6050 six axis sensor experiment.)
RCT6 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- STM32F103,mpu6050,0.96寸OLED显示,可动态显示,也可传到串口显示(STM32F103, mpu6050, 0.96 inch OLED display, can be dynamically displayed, and can also be transmitted to the serial port display.)
- 基于STM32F103的MPU6050六轴陀螺仪传感器实验。可在LCD上显示MPU6050的数据,可在匿名四轴上位机上显示传感器的飞控状态。(The sensor experiment of MPU 6050 six-axis gyroscope based on STM32F103. The data of MPU6050 can be displayed on LCD, and the flight control status of the sensor can be displayed