- markovian decision Prosses
- 基于OX的马尔可夫向量自回归模型,估计、预测马尔可夫向量自回归。-OX based on the markovian vector auto regression model
- 马尔可夫跳变系统的蒙特卡罗仿真Monte Carlo simulation of markovian jump system-Monte Carlo simulation of markovian jump system
- decades. The so-called bounded real lemma has played an important role in solving this problem. In the contexts of both the state-space and singular systems, a great number of results on H∞ control have been reported and different approaches ha
- Bank Credit Risk. We commonly used techniques for risk management models noted a high level of complexity as the determination by theoretical as well as by calculating techniques for finding the joint probability distribution of loans in multivariate
- Q-learning (Watkins, 1989) is a simple way for agents to learn how to act optimally in controlled markovian domains. It amounts to an incremental method for dynamic programming which imposes limited computational demands. It works by successively
Optimal Cost and Policy for a markovian Replacement Problem
- Partially Observable Markov decision model for a replacement/inventory problem. Cost is solved in closed form.
- hidden markov models for face recegnisation
- 一种HMM可以呈现为最简单的动态贝叶斯网络。隐马尔可夫模型背后的数学是由LEBaum和他的同事开发的。它与早期由RuslanL.Stratonovich提出的最优非线性滤波问题息息相关,他是第一个提出前后过程这个概念的。 在简单的马尔可夫模型(如马尔可夫链),所述状态是直接可见的观察者,因此状态转移概率是唯一的参数。在隐马尔可夫模型中,状态是不直接可见的,但输出依赖于该状态下,是可见的。每个状态通过可能的输出记号有了可能的概率分布。因此,通过一个HMM产生标记序列提供了有关状态的一些序
Assignment No. 1
- The Entropy rate of The markovian Source. Encoding and Decoding Of the markovian Source.
- Brownian motion of particles suspended in a fluid is studied, and expressions derived for the particle diff usivity and velocity autocorrelation function. The theory of thermal noise in a general linear system is applied to both the particl
- 基于马尔可夫的非线性控制系统程序matlab仿真,经过验证有效,(Matlab simulation of inverted pendulum for control system based on markovian jump)
A markovian
- 本文对社交网络平台管理的过滤算法对集体意见的影响进行了建模和研究。提出了一种随机多主体意见动力学模型,该模型考虑了个体间相互作用强度的集中调整。每一种意见的演变都用马尔可夫链来描述,其转化率通过影响参数受到邻居意见的影响。在一般情况下以及在特殊情况下研究了该模型的性质。(In this paper,the effect on collective opinions of filtering algorithms managed by social network platforms is mod