- 第一个是关于图形学中纹理运用的例子 第二个是战斗机测试的OpenGL源码 第三个是导弹发射测试 第四个是模拟雨点飘落 第五个是模拟烟雾从产生到消失的过程-No. 1 on the use of graphics texture example is the second fighter test OpenGL source is the third missile test launch is the fourth simulated rain floated down Fifth is the
- 本程序模拟导弹系统,用VC+OpenGL开发,包含了OpenGL开发基本函数的用法。-the procedures simulated missile system, with VC OpenGL development, including the development of the OpenGL basic function of usage.
- 一个基于VC++t OpenGL制作的导弹射击行为模拟,导弹建模技术和粒子系统-One based on VC++ t OpenGL simulation produced by firing a missile, missile modeling techniques and particle systems
- 用VisualC++ 与 OpenGL 实现一个战斗游戏,能行走与发射导弹。-VisualC++ and OpenGL with the realization of a fighting game, can walk with the launch of a missile.
- 基于opengl的导弹尾焰辐射仿真,利用粒子系统和LOD技术实现-Opengl-based simulation of the missile plume of radiation, the use of particle systems and technology to achieve LOD
- 利用opengl库编写的导弹飞行程序。提供各种视角,导弹尾焰,爆炸等制作逼真。-Opengl library prepared by the missile flight procedures. Provide a variety of perspectives, the missile exhaust plume, explosions and other lifelike.
- opengl 导弹模拟测试程序! 综合了粒子系统和场景制作-opengl missile test!!!!
- 用OPENGL和VC制作的导弹试验模拟系统,值得学习。-use OpenGL and VC production of missile tests simulated systems, worth learning. Thank you
- 一个导弹的模拟效果,opengl,有例子和导航的效果,-Simulated the effect of a missile, opengl, there are examples and the effectiveness of navigation,
- 利用OpenGL三维图形实时交互技术,在VC++中编程,实现了不同输入条件下的导弹自由段飞行弹道与飞行姿态仿真,包括导弹建模、以及由云彩绘制和流动效果组成的云彩的建模。-Use OpenGL real-time interactive three-dimensional graphics technology, VC++ In programming, to achieve a different input under the conditions of the free flights of
- 导弹实验OPENGL的VC++原代码.1,2,3,4....更换各个观察模式.-OPENGL of experimental missile VC++ The original code to replace all .1,2,3,4 .... observation mode.
- 导弹发射演示opengl源代码 可选择视点,转弯,发射子弹等动作-Missile launch demo opengl source code can choose to view, turning, firing bullets and other movements
- OPenGL code for displaying missile
Missile Test OpenGl
- OpenGL导弹试验模拟飞行程序,用VC++实现的。-OpenGL simulation of missile test flight procedures
- 一个利用OpenGL在VC环境下编写的导弹飞行动画-An advantage of OpenGL in VC environment, prepared by the missile flight animation
OPENGL missile flight simulation estimates
- OPENGL导弹模拟飞行估计:OPENGL missile flight simulation estimates-OPENGL missile flight simulation estimates: OPENGL missile flight simulation estimates
Missile Test
- 在visual c++中调用opengl函数进行三维导弹的模拟-Three-dimensional missile simulation in visual c++ to call opengl function
opengl san wei xian shi
- 利用opengl显示歼击机协同作战与空空导弹攻击的三维模拟仿真,之前的程序有问题会有溢出,现在修改了可以用了,部分dll由于项目保密,暂时不公开-Use opengl to display three-dimensional simulation of fighter coordinated operations and air-to-air missile attack before the procedure there will be overflow, now modified with
Missile Test
- 基于OpenGL创建的导弹击中目标模拟,有爆炸效果-Based on OpenGL to create a missile hit the target simulation, the effects of the explosion
- 导弹的仿真程序, opengl编写,效果很好(the simulation program of missile, using the opengl,)