- 采用廉价的NTC热敏电阻设计高精度温度计的方案, 根据NTC热敏电阻的温度特性,采用了较具新意程序算法;摆脱了传统的查表显示温度的方法, 特点:程序中无须查表,打破了常规的查表显示温度的方法。-Using low-cost design of high precision NTC thermistor thermometers program, according to NTC thermistor temperature characteristics, using a more
- 利用NTC低价热敏电阻做的温度表,程序中使用二分法查表,SPI送数据到LCD显示,选好充放电电容时室温误差在0.5摄氏度左右.-Use of low-cost NTC thermistor thermometer to do, look-up table used in the program dichotomy, SPI sending data to the LCD display, choose a room temperature charge and discharge capacit
- NTC电阻在VERILOG HDL中的曲线表,使用1MA恒流源供电,用AD对其采集电压,并以12BIT形式输出查表即可达到实际温度值,本表占用450个12位存储单元-NTC resistor VERILOG HDL in the curve of the table, use the 1MA current source power supply voltages were collected with AD and in the form of the output look-up table
- 计算被测量电阻。只做比较,不作计算。 计算公式:Rx = Rf * (Tx/Tf) Rx为被测电阻 Rf为已知电阻,Rf=10K Tx为被测电阻对电容C放电的计数值,为16位数 Tf为被测电阻对电容C放电的计数值,为16位数 查温度特性表(NTC型号为:CWF2-473F-3950K,大亚科技制造): 下限温度5摄氏度时电阻为121545.44欧,即121.54544K 换算为:Tx/Tf=Rx/Rf=12.154544 扩大1000倍后结果
- 针对单片机查表法,查找到正确的数据,对正确数据进行处理,特别是单片机NTC热敏电阻数据的出来-For single-chip look-up table method, find the correct data, correct data processing, is a single-chip NTC thermistor data out
- 在stm8s单片机上的AD转换,采用NTC温度传感器利用折线中值查表算法。-AD converter in the the STM8S microcontroller on the NTC temperature sensor polyline value look-up table algorithm.
- 对NTC电阻进行查表测温,并对两点之间的温度进行平均运算。是学习电阻测温最好的C程序。-NTC resistor for temperature measurement on the look-up table, and the average temperature of between two operations. Resistance temperature is to learn the best C program.
- 51单片机热敏电阻测温查表程序 lcd演示文件-51 mcu ntc lookup table lcd demo file
- 针对单片机查表法,查找到正确的数据,对正确数据进行处理,特别是单片机NTC热敏电阻数据的出来-For single-chip look-up table method, find the correct data, correct data processing, is a single-chip NTC thermistor data out
- 针对单片机查表法,查找到正确的数据,对正确数据进行处理,特别是单片机NTC热敏电阻数据的出来-For single-chip look-up table method, find the correct data, correct data processing, is a single-chip NTC thermistor data out
- NTC热敏电阻曲线生成软件 利用查表获取温度,比较方便。-NTC thermistor curve generation software The use of look-up table to obtain the temperature, more convenient.
- 通过查表的方法,对NTC热敏电阻进行查表,以获得实际的测量温度-TO seek the table of NTC, then it can get the temperautre of measure
- NTC温度检测源代码,采用查表方式实现阻值与温度的换算-NTC temperature detection source
- NTC温度测量,查表法 NTC温度测量,查表法 NTC温度测量,查表法NTC温度测量,查表法-NTC temperature measurement, look-up table NTC temperature measurement, look-up table
NTC测温中 经典温度查表算法--二分查找法
- NTC测温程序的查表方法--经典的二分法。(NTC thermistor temperature measurement program)
CS1238测温50K NTC ESP32驱动
- ESP32驱动CS1238驱动程序,双通道; 带50K NTC电阻温度对照表,根据电压值计算出阻值,查表计算出对应温度值。(ESP32 driver CS1238 driver, dual channel; With 50K NTC resistance temperature comparison table, calculate the resistance value according to the voltage value, check the table to calculate