
搜索资源 - PI controller in simulink
Photovoltaic array modeling explained. Matlab/Simulink models available for download.
利用四缸火花点火发动机模型,实践基于dSPACE 实时仿真系统的具体实验方法,
判断控制器模型的优劣。其中包括基于MATLAB/Simulink 的闭环离线仿真实验, 创建ControlDesk 试验界面,完成应用程序的编译、连接,代码的生成及下载,调整PI 参数进行实时仿真实验。-The use of four-cylinder spark ignition engine model, and practice the system based on dSPACE real-time si
optimal PI controller design and simulation of static var compensator using MATLAB s simulink
This program has been written using Matlab/Simulink software. It can be used to find out the behavior of the induction motor behaviore when fed from a PWM inverter. The program is written so that the user can simulate any induction motor he wants by
Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC
converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the
DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching
frequency in
Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC
converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the
DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching
frequency in
Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC
converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the
DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching
frequency in
Since the main component of a control scheme is the PI Controller, a model with an anti wind-up structure has been implemented in Simulink. The Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) block is based on a look-up table obtained from the wind turbine charac
Descr iption :
This package includes a configurable Simulink model for three different types of DC-DC converters (Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost converters) with a PWM PI controller.
The example provided shows a case to boost voltage 5 v
Control strategies for extracting the three-phase reference currents for shunt active power filters are compared, uating their performance under different source conditions with PI and Fuzzy Controllers in MATLAB/Simulink environment When the supply
Control strategies for extracting the three-phase reference currents for shunt active power filters are compared, uating their performance under different source conditions with PI and Fuzzy Controllers in MATLAB/Simulink environment When the supply
matlab中使用S函数写的一个PID控制器,并且在simulink中调用,将之与使用simulink模块搭建的PI控制器对比,压缩包中MyPID和PI_Controller是用S函数写的控制器-A matlab source file and simulink simulation. Use S function to generate a PID controller. The controller is applied in the matlab simulink file.
基于simulink的双闭环直流调速系统,其中电流环是基于PI控制器,转速环基于自抗扰控制器。-Based on Simulink double closed loop DC speed control system, in which the current loop is based on the PI controller, speed loop based on auto disturbance rejection controller.
MATLAB/Simulink里的PI-R控制器,实现对特定频率谐波的放大跟踪-PI-R controller in MATLAB/Simulink
Fuzzy based PI controller for direct torque control .This technique is used in power electronics for numerous applications