- paintlib是一个可移植的用于图像加载、保存和处理的C++类库。可从BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PGM, PICT, PNG, PSD, TGA, TIFF和WMF文件中加载图像,且可保存为BMP, JPEG, PNG和TIFF格式。既可通过在过滤器类中执行过滤, 也可通过直接访问位图来进行图像处理。提供了完整的C++源码。-paintlib is a transplant can be used to image loading, storage and handling o
- 这是一个用vb编写的图片格式察看,转换的控件,支持GIF,JPEG,TIFF,PNG等流行的图片格式,值得一看。-A picture viewer and converter written in VB, include picture type GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG etc.
- 图形处理类,可以显示JPEG,BMP,GIF,JPEG,PNG等等图像格式-graphics category, can display JPEG, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG image formats, etc.
- wince下的电子相册工具,支持目前所有png、jpeg、bmp、gif等格式显示-electronic album under wince tools to support all current png, jpeg, bmp, gif format, etc.
- 一个数字图像处理源码,实现了jpeg,bmp,tiff,png,gif等多种图像格式的读取,边缘检测,fft变换,图像形态变化等功能-A source of digital image processing to achieve a jpeg, bmp, tiff, png, gif image formats such as read, edge detection, fft transform, image features such as morphological changes
- PHPlot是一个用来创建图表的PHP图形类,需要PHP5的支持。PHPLot使用PHP的GD扩展来生成PNG/GIF/JPEG格式图片。 PHPlot 5.8.0 更新内容: *功能要求#3515519“支持对象的序列化/反序列化”:_sleep的()和_wakeup的()魔术方法,以支持序列和反序列化。 *phplot.php:更新版本注释和版本不断 *README.TXT:更新为新版本 -PHPlot is a PHP graphics class used to
- 支持bmp、gif、png、jpg、jpeg、tiff和ico格式的图片的显示,获取对应图片句柄,可以进行图片的缩放,保存对应格式的图片能根据制定的目录获取图像列表ImageList -Support for bmp, gif, png, jpg, jpeg, tiff and ico format picture display, access to the corresponding picture handle, you can zoom for picture, save the c
- Compressed Image File Formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, XBM, BMP (ACM Press) by John Miano
- 对JPEG,BMP,PNG,GIFT和TIFF文件进行查看,编辑的源代码。-JPEGView is a viewer/editor for JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF and TIFF images. It is designed to view images from digital cameras full screen and with highest quality possible. Basic image editing functionality is provided
- M8手机图片查看器,支持32位真彩色。支持jpeg,png,bmp,gif等。-M8 mobile phone picture viewer, support for 32-bit True Color. Support jpeg, png, bmp, gif, etc..
- 能够打开png,jpeg,bmp,gif图像格式能在VC6.0上运行,经过我亲手调试~!-It can be used in VC6.0 to open the picture type of png,jpeg,bmp and gif~!I have test by myself excectly~!
- 对gif,png,jpeg等图片的解码功能,图片显示-For gif, png, jpeg decoder functions such as picture, picture show
- Compressed Image File Formats Jpeg Png Gif Xbm Bmp Acm
- ImageJ是一個基於java的公共的圖像處理軟件,它是由National Institutes of Health開發的。可運行於Microsoft Windows,Mac OS,Mac OS X,Linux,和Sharp Zaurus PDA等多種平台。其基於java的特點, 使得它編寫的程序能以applet等方式分發。 ImageJ能夠顯示,編輯,分析,處理,保存,打印8位,16位,32位的圖片, 支持TIFF, PNG, GIF, JPEG, BMP, DICOM, FITS等
- Imagemagic是一款创建、编辑、压缩图像的软件。可以转换 DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG等格式,并且能够轻松的对图片进行旋转,缩放等操作-ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (
- The purpose of the PDFSharp libray is to create PDF files from scratch as easy as possible. The methods it exposes are symilar to the GDI+ ones in .NET. So you can imagine that writing a PDF file is like drawing stuff (text, shapes, images) in the Pa
- PHPLOT 是一个用来创建图表的PHP图形类,需要 PHP5 的支持。PHPLot使用PHP的GD扩展来生成 PNG/GIF/JPEG 格式图片-PHPLOT is a PHP graphics class used to create charts, you need PHP5 support. PHPLot use the PHP GD extension to generate PNG/GIF/JPEG format images
- book abuot compression Image File Formats-JPEG,PNG,GIF,XBM,BMP
- PHPlot是一个用来创建图表的PHP图形类,需要PHP5的支持。PHPLot使用PHP的GD扩展来生成PNG/GIF/JPEG格式图片。 -PHPlot is used to create a chart PHP graphics class, we need the support PHP5. PHPLot using PHP GD extension to generate PNG/GIF/JPEG format images.
- PHPlot is a PHP graphics class used to create diagrams and requires the support of PHP5. PHPLot uses PHP's GD extension to generate PNG/GIF/JPEG format images.