西亚购物系统 2005 Build 1014
- 西亚购物系统是一套自选网上商城精美模版,自主商品管理,自行网店经营的网上商城平台,系统具有强大的商品管理、购物车、订单统计、会员管理等功能,同时拥有灵活多变的商品管理、新闻管理等功能,功能强劲的后台管理界面,无需登录FTP,通过IE浏览器即可管理整个网站。西亚购物平台经多方面权威调查和研究为您精心开发了很多特色实用功能。使商品展示、管理、服务全面升级。西亚购物平台为您提供了多款专业美观的店面样式、俱备完整的购物网站功能、结构简单、容易使用、并设有促销广告和店标自定义功能。适合于企业及个人经营管理
- 这是一个symbian手机平台自动建立工程,自动编译的批处理,包括,bldmake,abld build一系列的命令可以自动执行,自动调出epoc模拟器,sisar部署工具,在symbian s60系统使用没有问题。前提是安装了vc6.0,s60-sdk,nokia手机开发套件(可选) -This is a symbian mobile platform automatically established, the compiler automatically batch, includin
- Joey is j2me client server application for for mobile platform. Build on top j2mepolish
- JDesktop Integration Components (JDIC),这是一个开源的项目,目的是构建消除本机应用程序和 Java 等价物之间差距的组件。JDIC 单一的 Java API 允许应用程序接进本机操作系统特性,同时保持跨平台支持。它目前提供了本机 Web 浏览器(Internet Explorer 或 Mozilla) 支持、系统托盘支持、文件扩展集成和其他桌面特性。-JDesktop Integration Components (JDIC), this is an ope
- ARM下CVM的中英文移植文档,包括《cdc_porting_guide》、《cdc_build_system》、《cdc_runtime_guide》和《CDCFoundation_Porting_Guide》。-The English and Chinese documents for porting cvm base on arm platform, 《cdc_porting_guide》、《cdc_build_system》、《cdc_runtime_guide》 and 《CDCFou
- 本文着重介绍了基于NS-3的无线 传感器网络的物理层仿真模块的设计,搭建了无线传感器网络仿真平台,使一个简单的例子得以在上面运行,并给出 了仿真结果。该仿真平台可以用于对无线传感器网络的深入研究与探讨,有助于无线传感器网络的优化设计、缩短系 统的开发周期。-This paper introduces NS-3-based wireless sensor network simulation module physical layer design, build a wirele
- WINDOW CE或windows mobile的编译器PLATFORM BUILDER的教程,可指导生成自己定制的平台。-WINDOW CE or windows mobile compiler PLATFORM BUILDER tutorials can guide to generate your own custom platform.
- 赛车类游戏,j2me环境搭建平台。有较强的观赏性。-Racing games, j2me platform build environment. Ornamental stronger.
- JSP开发平台的建立,别人发表的文章,在此共享下-JSP development platform for the establishment of others published articles, to share in this
- i.MX27 PDK 1.0 Windows Embedded CE 6.0 User s Guide.This user’s guide describes the Freescale i.MX27 3-Stack Windows Embedded CE 6.0 board support package (BSP). The i.MX27 3-Stack reference board is designed for video and voice over Internet phone
- This software for TMS320F2812 DSP platform for generating Space Vector Modulated PWM singnals. Part of code is generated by autocoding tool in Matlab/Simulink and included in main code written in C in CodeComposerStudio enviroment. -This is software
- 这是一个在android平台上通过中间层jni技术,实现调用C++的代码,主要是makefile文件的实现,如果编译多个C-This is a android platform, through the middle layer jni technology to realize call C++ code, mainly the realization of makefile file, if the build number of CPP
- 详细描述了在WINCE操作系统下,如何自定义platform build 的模板,有非常详细的说明。-Described in detail in the WINCE operating system, how to customize the platform build the template, there are very detailed instructions.
- Mallz既适合作为B2C的企业电子商务网站,也可以作为C2C个人电子商务网站和多用户企业团购网站,简单来说是可以方便不同类型的用户构造适合自身的需要的网上电子商务平台构建系统。同时它是内置Mallz网站整合管理系统强大的整合模块,可以通过其整合接口轻松整合网络上任意一种的系统,可以让你轻松快捷打造一个具有门户功能的电子商务门户网站。-Mallz suitable for both B2C business e-commerce sites can also be used as persona
- Android平台搭建,包括平台综述,搭建平台准备,平台搭建流程,测试等。-Android platform structures, including the platform review, build a platform for the platform build process, testing.
- 学习wince重要的资料,串口程序,教你如何在wince平台下建立串口应用程序,很不错的东东。-Wince to learn important information, serial program, teach you how to wince platform build serial applications, very good stuff.
- 用GUI做成的数字图像处理平台,方便大家学习和使用图像处理的具体操作,更演示了如何搭建GUI复杂平台。-GUI made with digital image processing platform, to facilitate the learning and use of specific image processing operations, but also demonstrates how to build a complex GUI platform.
- LTIB Build Host Setup Setting up a Linux host for LTIB builds。对搭建linux交叉编译平台的有巨大帮助-LTIB Build Host Setup Setting up a Linux host for LTIB builds. Build a cross compiler on linux platform are a great help
- Essential Facebook Development - Build Successful Applications for the Facebook Platform
- jam2.5 source code and it s hard to find now. coross platform build tool instead of automake.