- 大量平行處理器程式設計訓練課程Programming Massively Parallel Processors:the CUDA experience -Introduction and Motivation The CUDA Programming Model CUDA Memories CUDA Threads Performance Tuning Floating-Point Considerations and CUDA for MultiCore CPU A
- 基于GPU计算的SVM,VC++源码,包括详细文档说明文件。借用了GPU编程的优势,该代码据作者说比常规的libsvm等算法包的训练速度快13-73倍,预测速度快22-172倍。希望对大家有用-cuSVM is a software package for high-speed (Gaussian-kernelized) Support Vector Machine training and prediction that exploits the massively parallel proc
- NVIDIA Fellow David Kirk and UIUC Professor Wen-mei Hwu have published their landmark textbook, Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach. This book will enable generations of programmers to understand and exploit the massively p
- Programming Massively Parallel Processors A Hands-on Approach by David B. Kirk and Wen-mei W. Hwu English version
- 《大规模并行处理器编程实战》英文版,全球第一本介绍CUDA的教程。由于书名太长,只能用其英文缩写,望见谅。-Programming Massively Parallel Processors:A Hands-on Approach,a book which is the first book in the world that provide a perfect guide for learning CUDA.