- OPENGL实现绘制3D机器人行走,虽然绘制粗糙,但对学习OPENGL的基本操作很有帮助-OPENGL rendering 3D robot walking to achieve, although rough drawing, but to learn the basic operation OPENGL helpful
- 一个双轮自平衡小车的源代码 请参考有关资料,合理利用-After running across David Anderson s impressive balancing robot on the Internet, I decided it was too cool, and I had to have one like it. So, shamelessly ripping off his great idea, I created my own version of this two-w
- 使用roboBASIC MF软件开发的2012年春晚舞蹈小机器人的动作及其程序代码-2012 Spring Festival Evening dance robot use roboBASIC MF software development action and its code
- 详细介绍MCL算法,是由Sebastian Thrun a, Dieter Fox, Wolfram Burgard, Frank Dellaert所著的论文,发表于Artificial Intelligence上。-Mobile robot localization is the problem of determining a robot’s pose from sensor data. This article presents a family of probabilistic lo
- 本文介绍了控制系统中的经典问题— — —倒立摆及其基本原理, 简要介绍了 Ma tlab中倒立摆控制的实现方法。由于倒立摆的研究具 有重要的工程背景,本文结合了二级倒立摆的 ma tlab仿真,实现二自 由度机器人 PD控制的 ma tlab仿真 ,取得了较好的效果。-This article describes the classic problem of the control system--- inverted pendulum and its basic principle
- Aiml就是一个xml兼容的文本文档,使用AIML可以很好的与机器人进行交互. 已经实现了基本聊天对话,可以实现中英文聊天-Xml compatible Aiml is a text document, use AIML can be very good interaction with the robot. Has achieved the basic chat dialogue, you can achieve in English and Chinese Chat
- 简单的机器人开发软件说明书,希望对大家有帮助-simple for robot develop
- 摘 要:果蔬收获机器人是机器人技术在农业中的具体应用,基于避障的路径规划是果蔬收获机器人主要 的研究内容。由于农业机器人作业环境的复杂性和非结构性,神经网络籽是其重要的研究方法。为此,介 绍了神经网络的特点 ,重点分析了采用神经网络描述果蔬收获机器人工作环境的基本思路 ,最后给出了黄瓜采摘机器人的具体分析实例,对农业机器人工作环境的描述具有较高的参考价值。 -Abstract: The fruit and vegetable harvesting robot is the robot
- 机器人活动的小程序,很有意思,使用简单,扩展性好!-Robot activities, very interesting!
- Basic of Robocup Simulation by VB 6.0. Robot can avoid the obstacle by fuzzy rule and find the optimal angle to shoot ball into goal.
- basic stamp program for sumo bot robot kit from paralax
- 这是阿姆斯特丹-牛津联合RobotCup Rescue仿真的代码。用Visual Basic开发。-This is the code release of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Force for the RoboCup Rescue Simulation Virtual Robot 2009 competition. The code of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Force is develo
- 一个模仿机器人的程序,能实现现实中人的基本动作,和大家一起分享-An imitation of the robot program to achieve the basic reality of human action, to share with everyone
- Basic Line follower Robot on AT89S5X uC with proteus simulations, schematics, sources, and images.
- nachi robot controller
- example program SLIM for nachi ROBOT SA 130
- 这里有两个设计:有害气体声光报警器,机器人行走控制电路。这是大二时的课设,但是都基于基础,便于理解-There are two designs: alarm sound and light of harmful gases, walking robot control circuit. This is the sophomore class during the set, but are based on the basic, easy to understand
- A Program implemented in Visual Basic To control a robot vehicle via RF. Included also the (assebly) program for the robot which is run on PIC microcontroller. The controls are: Light following, light search, obstacle avoidance, Control of robot spee
- Visual Basic interface and comunication with a ABB Robot
- this article is the first of a two-part series on the topic of visual servo control—using computer vision data in the servo loop to control the motion of a robot.