
搜索资源 - Shunt compensation
优秀论论及对应源码。电力系统配电网的无功优化规划是保证配电网安全、经济运行的一项有效手段,是降低网损、提高电压质量的重要措施。因此,电力系统配电网无功优化规划问题的研究,既具有理论意义,又具有工程实际应用价值。配电系统最优规划问题是一个复杂的非线性组合优化问题,至今未得到很好的解决。Tabu搜索(TS—Tabu search)算法是近年来出现的用于求解组合优化问题的一种高效的启发式搜索技术。本文采用固定并联电容器作为研究对象对系统进行无功补偿,并利用智能优化方法得到使配电网损耗降低最大对应的最优
shunt active power filters are used for harmonic compensation in current and reactive power compensation in power system networks.
sliding mode control is one of the control strategy used for this.
Abstract—In this paper a current reference generation
method for a voltage source shunt active power filter is
examined. The proposed method improves the harmonic
filtering by compensating the delays in the system. In
stationary operating poi
关于TCR+FC型SVC的研究文献,这篇文章考查了晶闸管控制的并联补偿器的理论基础。不平衡负荷补偿和电压稳定的条件是建立在对称分量的应用上的。适用于前馈控制(电脑的)的数学关系是根据。这里对前馈和反馈的实用方法进行了讨论。-This paper examines the theoretical foundations of thyristorcontrolled shunt compensation. Conditions for unbalanced load compensation and
This paper compares the shunt capacitor, SVC and STATCOM in static voltage stability
improvement. Various performance measures are compared under different operating system
conditions for the IEEE 14 bus test system. Important issues related to s
Advantage ofconverter_based_facts -controller.
This paper presents the switching-converter-based approach to
Flexible AC Transmission Systems from an application viewpoint. It
is shown that this approach, apart from providing superior performan
用51驱动CS5463 可以测量各种参数 -The CS5463 is an integrated power measurement
device which combines two ΔΣ
analog-to-digital converters, power calculation
engine, energy-to-frequency converter, and a
serial interface on a single chip. It is designed to
cs5463英文翻译成中文的 格式和英文格式是一样的。-The CS5463 is an integrated power measurement
device which combines two ΔΣ
analog-to-digital converters, power calculation
engine, energy-to-frequency converter, and a
serial interface on a single chip. It is desig
Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) for
harmonic elimination and simultaneous compensation of
voltage and current, which improves the power quality offered
for other harmonic sensitive loads. UPQC consist of combined
series active power
shunt active filter for decreasing the harmonics and reactive power compensation and for voltage instability
This paper describes different power quality
problems in distribution systems and their solutions with
power electronics based equipment. Shunt, hybrid and
series active power filters are described showing their
compensation characteristics a
电力系统无功补偿装置的MATLAB仿真,包含并联型SVC和串联型TCSC-Reactive power compensation device MATLAB simulation of power system , including the shunt SVC and series TCSC
Control strategies for extracting the three-phase reference currents for shunt active power filters are compared, uating their performance under different source conditions with PI and Fuzzy Controllers in MATLAB/Simulink environment When the supply
Control strategies for extracting the three-phase reference currents for shunt active power filters are compared, uating their performance under different source conditions with PI and Fuzzy Controllers in MATLAB/Simulink environment When the supply
This paper, focus on the study and design of a shunt active power (APF) filter for the compensation of harmonic currents and reactive power in polluted environment and under unbalanced network voltage. In APF design and control, p-q theory was often
Under partially shaded conditions, series connection
of photovoltaic (PV)modules results in the flow of lowest current in
the string corresponding to the most shaded module, reducing the
overall power output. Power output can be maximized by in
Shunt active power filter, synchronous reference frame
algorithm, hysteresis current control, compensation current
Compensation of Source Current Harmonics Using Shunt Active
Compensation of Source Current Harmonics Using Shunt Active Filters
The role of the transmission network in the Power
System is to transmit the power generated in the power plants to
the load centers and the interconnected power systems. The
transmission of electric power has to take place in the most
efficient w