- TCD1304 CCD 驱动 AD转 USB2.0传输(This code based on verilog language, worked on EP1C3T144 FPGA chip, developed on Quartus II 12.0 . The ccd's data transformed by USB2.0 after amplified and AD confromed.)
- 基于STM32F407的TCD1304驱动(TCD1304 driver based on STM32F407)
TCD1304 driver
- STM32F405 driver firmware for the linear CCD TCD1304. Connection via USB. The latest update with continuous driving for live-view.
- New update for the STM32F405 firmware to drive and read the linear CCD TCD1304 from toshiba. The firmware uses full speed usb protocol for communication.
TCD1304 driver for STM32F401
- STM32F401RE firmware to drive and read the linear CCD TCD1304 from toshiba. The MCU uses full speed USB and supports continous and single reading of the CCD.