TI LAUNCHXL-F28377S配套说明资料
- 德州仪器自产开发板LAUNCHXL-F28377S相关文件,免去大家自行搜索整理的麻烦,在此集合为一个文件供大家下载。(TI's own development board LAUNCHXL-F28377S related documents, eliminating everyone's own search and collation of trouble, in this collection as a file for everyone to download.)
- 基于LAUNCHXL-F28377S平台的蓝宙CGQ005线性CCD摄像头调用程序,可直接与蓝宙的上位机程序通讯(程序里面与线性CCD无关的部分请大家自行整理,此程序为个人日常调试用程序模板,里面会夹杂GPS等其他无关部件的代码)(LAUNCHXL-F28377S platform blue universe CGQ005 linear CCD camera calling program (based on program and linear CCD independent parts pl
- DSP28335和28377对比,里面包含的dsp资料有TMS320F28335,TMS320F28377,tms320f28377s的说明资料(Comparing with DSP 28335 and 28377, the DSP data included in it are the explanatory data of TMS320F28335, TMS320F28377 and tms320f28377s.)