- This demonstration shows how to use the temperature sensor on the PICDEM Z Demo Board. Since the Home Controls, Lighting profile does not contain the device descr iption for a temperature sensor, a demonstration profile has been created.
Boltzmann Machin
- 仿真1:首先把网络温度参数T固定在100,按工作规则共进行1000次状态更新,把这1000次状态转移中网络中的各个状态出现的次数Si(i=1,2,…,16)记录下来 按下式计算各个状态出现的实际频率: Pi=Si/∑i=1,NSi=Si/M 同时按照Bo1tzmann分布计算网络各个状态出现概率的理论值: Q(Ei)=(1/Z)exp(-Ei/T) 仿真2:实施降温方案,重新计算 采用快速降温方案:T(t)= T0/(1+t) T从1000降到0.01,按工作规则更新网络状态 当T=0.01时结
- CPU-Z SDK获取和查看CPU的相关信息 型号 厂家 温度 电压等详细参数。-CPU-Z SDK access and view information about the CPU temperature and voltage model manufacturers detailed parameters.
- 单片机内存分配申明,进行温度显示,这里我们考虑用网站提供的两位数码管来显示温度 ,显示范围00到99度,显示精度为1度-Single-chip memory allocation stated that temperature indicates that here we consider the two sites to provide digital control to display the temperature, indicating the scope of 00-99 deg
- Temperature Dependence of the concentration n electrons in the conduction band of n type semiconductor.
- 这是一个关于多目标数据融合的很好的温章,希望对大家有所帮助。原理清晰,见解独特-This is a multi-target data fusion on the temperature of a good chapter, we want to help. Principle of clear, maverick
- 温度控制的各种PID算法 Z-N Smith预估器 m和mdl文件-Temperature control pid Z-N Smith predictor
- In the present paper, we propose a particle-based method for the visual simulation of explosive flames. This method consists of a numerical simulation method based on a fluid model described by discrete Lagrangian using particles and a rendering meth
- 参加比赛恒温水浴的资料,里面包含模块有isd4004语音模块,nrf905无线通信模块,12864显示屏,红外遥控模块-Allow phonetic typingType text or a website address or translate a document. Cancel Cānjiā bǐsài héngwēn shuǐyù de zīliào, lǐmiàn bāohán mókuài yǒu isd4004 yǔyīn mókuài,nrf905 wúxiàn t
- AD7799/AD7798 特性: RMS 噪声(有效值噪声): 在 4.13HZ 转换率下紧为 27nV(AD7799). 在 16.7HZ 转换率下为 65Nv. · 低 功 耗 ,典型为 300uA · 内 置 1 一 128 增益的低噪声可编程仪表放大器 · 内 置 时 钟振荡器,省去了外接晶振 · 低 非 线 性度:0.0015 · 内 设 自 校准电路 · 带 有 SPI 数据接口,可以方便地与 DPS 或者 MCU 连接 · 50 H
- 有序无序转变的计算机模拟——MC算法 一个样品做实验,从低温有序相,逐渐升温,到高温无序相。 模型假设: 1 模拟三维简单斜方,AB型合金,共有M*N*L个原子; 2 最邻近假设,即只考虑最邻近原子之间的相互作用,次邻近和更远的原子之间的作用忽略(误差较大), ,在简单斜方中,最邻近原子数z=6; 3 只考虑势能的作用,AA,BB,AB原子间的作用用Eaa,Ebb,Eab=Eba表示 且忽略振动能(原则上,温度很高时,不能忽略)等; 4 各原子之间的相
- CC2530片内温度监测程序代码,基于Z-stack协议栈的节点采集片内温度数据的代码。-CC2530 chip temperature monitoring program code, based on Z-stack stack node chip temperature data acquisition code.
- This app provides an interactive environment to explore four and five dimensional data using some of MATLAB s abilities for volumetric visualization and animation. It was designed for data that was measured in a 3D grid of data points, for example te
- CC2530片内温度监测程序代码,基于Z-stack协议栈的节点采集片内温度数据的代码。-CC2530 chip temperature monitoring program code, based on Z-stack stack node chip temperature data acquisition code.
- MLX90393,它能够准确测量沿X,Y和Z轴的磁通密度变化。其应用范围包括从游戏杆、滑动开关、推/拉开关、矫平机(leveler)、直线滑动开关和旋钮等等,到复杂的三维位置传感系统。在处于空闲状态时,该IC仅消耗2.5μA的电流,非常适用于需要微功耗的应用。MLX90393采用一个单片磁像素单元(monolithic magnetic pixel cell)设置,并具有16位分辨率输出。-This document holds the specification of a 3-axis mag
- 基于51单片机的mpu6050角度传感器的基础资料以及可以使用的51例程,z轴不准,x,y轴以及温度都基本能达到要求(Based on 51 single-chip mpu6050 angle sensor basic information, and can use 51 routines, Z axis is not allowed, x, Y axis and temperature can basically meet the requirements)
搅拌摩擦焊温度场分析z源文件 子程序
- marc2013做搅拌摩擦焊的温度场分析以及源文件和子程序(Analysis of temperature field in friction stir welding (FSW) by marc2013)
- Mark2013搅拌摩擦焊温度场分析以及其源文件+子程序(Analysis of temperature field in friction stir welding (FSW) by marc2013)
- 基于z-stack协议栈2.3的简单开发读取温湿度(Based on the simple development of z-stack protocol stack 2.3, read the temperature and humidity.)
- mpu6050串口通信,实现mpu6050 x,y,z轴加速度数据与温度数据(Mpu6050 serial communication to achieve mpu6050 x, y, Z axis acceleration data and temperature data.)