- This project runs on uC/OS-II V2.52 and is based on STM32F103RBT6(ARM Cortex-M3 Core) Take care of the configuration of project. There re some Include Paths while linking which cannot be modified. Procedure of driving a device(IMPORTANT!!!)
- RTOS_MDK uCOS-II for STM32(LCD5110)意法半导体cpu移植的uCOS2.52,诺基亚的LCD5510显示器,效果直接显示,很符合刚学uCOS系统的同学。-RTOS_MDK uCOS-II for STM32 (LCD5110) STMicroelectronics cpu transplant uCOS2.52, Nokia' s LCD5510 display the results directly show that the system is con