- MATLAB PROGRAMS FOR \"VIBRATION SIMULATION USING MATLAB AND ANSYS\" All the M-files which are listed in the book are available on this site. The ANSYS-related files and some non-listed utility M-files are available for download from the auth
- 建立并绘制任意信号的模糊函数。已在巴克码,线性调频,脉冲信号中测试过。-This program estimates and plots the ambiguity function for any signals. I have tested it for the Barker code, chirp signal, pulse signal. for good results the length of the input vector (Ut)should be more than 7.
- 这个源码可以分析绘制多种信号的模糊函数,已经试验过巴克码,线性调频信号,脉冲信号等-Descr iption: This program estimates and plots the ambiguity function for any signals. I have tested it for the Barker code, chirp signal, pulse signal. for good results the length of the input vector (Ut)sho
- 用MATLAB编写UT变换的程序,用于数学计算-UT transform using MATLAB program written for the mathematical calculations
- 干扰对齐的迭代算法的Matlab实现,该算法最早由UT Austin的Heath教授提出。-Alternative minimization for Interference Alignment
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irur