- 基于论文<<Blur Detection for digital images using wavelet transform>>,使用Haar小波变换实现图像模糊度检测。-Based on paper <Blur Detection for digital images using wavelet transform> > , Using the Haar wavelet transform of image blur detection.
- 含有了图像处理中一些经典和常用的图像处理算法,如:灰度图像处理,图像增强,图像变换,形态学图像处理。其中灰度图像处理包含三个算法:彩色图转灰度图,灰度图直方图,直方图均衡化;图像增强含有:增加椒盐噪声,中值滤波,sobel算子边缘提取(水平方向和垂直方向一起考虑),laplace算子边缘提取,模糊,锐化;图像变换含有:haar小波变换,RGB转HSV颜色空间。形态学图像处理含腐蚀,膨胀,开操作,闭操作。-Contains some of the classic image processing
- 纹理图像分割,小波编码图像的分割和分析的算法描述。该算法的图像处理后的计划,可以成功地恢复在压缩图像模糊文物纹理的部分。-Texture image segmentation, wavelet coding image segmentation and analysis of the algorithm descr iption. The algorithm for image processing program that can successfully restore the image
- 本程序是利用harr小波进行图像处理的程序。首先,对一幅图像进行模糊化。之后,利用harr小波进行去噪处理。-This program is to use harr wavelet image processing program. First of all, to a blur images. Later, using wavelet to harr to deal with the noise.
- 小波图像融合,采用用量一样的图像(但每张图像不同的位置发生模糊),融合产生尽量清晰的图-Wavelet image fusion, the amount of the same image (of the location of each image blur), and fusion to produce as clear as possible in Figure
- 数字图像处理,运动模糊,运动复原,小波变换,图像平滑,图像增强,图像运动去模糊。-Digital image processing, motion blur, motion restoration, wavelet transform, image smoothing, image enhancement, image motion deblurring.
- Image deblurring submits the procedures that crack to lessen the amount of blur in the blurry image and provides the corrupted image an overall enhanced effect in order to achieve a better image. This paper mainly deals with the removal of blur in