- Active contour models, deformable surface models, edge detection, gradient vector flow, image segmentation, shape representation and recovery, snakes.-Active contour models, deformable surface models, edge detection, gradient vector flow, image s
- 有源滤波器是通过有用频率信号面同时抑制无用频率信号的电子装置-Active filter is useful for frequency signals through the surface while suppressing unwanted frequency signals of electronic devices
- 传感器芯片经由微细加工,可快速反应环境里的温度改变。 .非接触式温度侦测、电伏输出、零功秏、大范围温度侦测 -The OTP-538U is a thermopile sensor in classic TO-46 housing. The sensor is composed of 116 elements of thermocouple in series on a floating micro-membrane having an active diameter of 545 μm
- A skyhook surface sliding mode control method was proposed and applied to the control on the semi-active vehicle suspension system for its ride comfort enhancement. A two degree of freedom dynamic model of a vehicle semi-active suspension system was
- As an essential branch of context awareness, activity awareness, especially daily activity monitoring and fall detection, is important to healthcare for the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. In this paper, a framework for activity awa
- Helloer 2.5.0 是一套基于Java + Mysql 开发的开源论坛软件。 继Helloer 2.0.0 发布之后,Helloer开发团队乘胜追击,历时20天开发,为广大用户打造了Helloer 2.5.0。 Helloer 2.5.0 全面升级Helloer 2.0.0论坛功能: 新增投票,辩论主题有效活跃论坛气氛。 新增版面平铺,论坛显示更灵活。 新增页面伪静态,论坛收录更加轻松。 新增Archiver简洁版。 -2.5.0 Hell
- 严格反馈 神经网络状态观测器 自抗扰控制 动态面(strict feedback Dynamic surface Neural network state observer Active disturbance rejection control)
- 这是vic最新版本4.1.2g,用这个来运行官网小例子,具体程序,视频在附件中,本人也初学vic,遇到困难很纠结。做vic的不像swat那么活跃,但vic是水文气象很实用的工具,也称为陆面模式,很完美的和气象模式进行耦合。让vic流行起来吧。所以有学vic的可以一起交流,互相学习,共同进步。(This is the latest version of the Vic version of 4.1.2g, to use this to run a small example of the offi
H163QLN01 Datasheet
- Panel Brand, AUO. Panel Model, H163QLN01.0. Panel Type, AM-OLED , OLED. Panel Size, 1.63. Resolution, 320(RGB)×320 , HSVGA. Active Area, 29.28×29.28 mm. Outline, 32.08×36.48×1.38 mm. Surface. Brightness, 300 cd/m² (Typ.) Contrast Ratio, 10000 : 1 (Mi
- multichannel analysis of surface wave
- 处理主动源和被动源面波数据,可拾取频散曲线(Processing active source and passive source surface wave data, picking up dispersion curve)