- alamouti 在bpsk和QPSK下的性能仿真比较-alamouti in bpsk and QPSK compare performance simulation under
- alamouti code 2x1 using bpsk
- alamouti code 2x2 using bpsk
- 通过MATLAB软件;通过仿真得出性能曲线;从而比较bpsk的性能-The bit-error rate (BER) of binary phase-shift keying in Rayleigh fading, using the alamouti transmission scheme and receiver selection diversity in the presence of channel-estimation error, is studied. Closed-
- scr ipt for computing the BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding Two transmit antenna, 1 Receive antenna
- 阿拉莫提编码2发1收代码,在bpsk的调制方式下-alamouti coding
- scr ipt for computing the BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding Two transmit antenna, 1 Receive antenna -scr ipt for computing the BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel wi
- scr ipt for computing the BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding Two transmit antenna, Two Receive antenna
- I simulated the SPACE TIME BLOCK CODED system based on alamouti scheme, where the modulation is bpsk. Now I am trying to extend that to QPSK and higher modulations. Since for SISO channels, BER curve for bpsk and QPSK is equal in AWGN and fla
- Code for alamouti using bpsk
- BER for bpsk modulation with alamouti STBC
- 几种简单情况下的alamouti的程序实现,针对bpsk信号,收发端天线个数为一到两个。-Several simple cases alamouti the program, for bpsk signal, sending and receiving end of one to two the number of antennas.
- Using bpsk modulation scheme,in MIMO system, alamouti code & both OSTB code for a rayleigh fading channel . for 2*1, 2*2, for 4*4, for 8*8-Using bpsk modulation scheme,in MIMO system, alamouti code & both OSTB code for a rayleigh fading channel .
- BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding ,Two transmit antenna, Two Receive antenna
- 2x2 alamouti bpsk Rayleigh
- BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding ,Two transmit antenna, Two Receive antenna
- BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding ,Two transmit antenna, Two Receive antenna
- Performances of alamouti code for bpsk&QPSK
alamouti Space Time Block Coding 2x1 System
- Matlab code for computing the BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding Two transmit antenna, 1 Receive antenna.
alamouti Space Time Block Coding for 2x2 MIMO
- Matlab code for computing the BER for bpsk modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with alamouti Space Time Block Coding two transmit antenna and two Receive antenna.