A Survey of Spectrum Sensing algorithms
- A Survey of Spectrum Sensing algorithms The spectrum sensing problem has gained new aspects with cognitive radio and opportunistic spectrum access concepts. It is one of the most challenging issues in cognitive radio systems. In this paper, a survey
- A PAINLESS GUIDE TO CRC ERROR DETECTION algorithms CRC校验理论与实践的经典教程,Ross写的。-A PAINLESS GUIDE TO CRC ERROR DETECTION algorithms CRC checksum of the classic theory and practice tutorials, Ross wrote.
- This course is about "distributed algorithms".Distributed algorithms include a wide range of parallel algorithms,which can be classified by a variety of attributes.-This course is about distributed algorithms . Distributed algorithms include a wide
- 关于很多实用算法的描述,例如递归、贪心算法-About the descr iption of a lot of practical algorithms, such as recursive, greedy algorithm and so on
- As the name implies "algorithms in a Nutshell". A very good algo ebook, especially for new developers.
- Data.Structures.and.algorithms in java second edition
- 由麻省理工电气工程及计算机学院编写的第二版的算法介绍,该书详尽介绍了常用计算机算法-From the Massachusetts Institute of Electrical and Computer Engineering, prepared the second edition of the algorithm, the book includes detailed descr iptions of the commonly used computer algorithms
- 经典算法书(中文版)。这一套算法系列书介绍了当今最重要的算法,共分3卷,这是第2卷(第五部分),集中讲解图算法。本书共有6章(第17章~第22章)。第17章详细讨论图性质和类型,第18章~第22章分别讲解图搜索、有向图和DAG、最小生成树、最短路径以及网络流。书中提供了用C语言描述的完整算法源程序,并且配有丰富的插图和练习。-algorithms in C, Third Edition, Part 5: Graph algorithms is the second book in Sedgewi
- 经典算法书(中文版).《C算法》介绍了当今最重要的算法,共分3卷,本书是第1卷。第1卷分4部分、共16章。第一部分“基础知识”(第1~2章)介绍了基本算法分析原理。第二部分“数据结构”(第3~5章)讲解算法分析中必须掌握的数据结构知识。主要包括基本数据结构、抽象数据结构、递归和树。第三部分“排序”(第6~11章)按章节顺序分别讨论了基本排序方法(如选择排序、插入排序、冒泡排序、希尔排序等)、快速排序方法,归并和归并排序方法、优先队列与堆排序方法、基数排序方法以及特殊目的排序方法,并比较了各种排序
- 里面实现了C常用的数据结构算法,像AVL树,链表,二叉树等。-C which implements common data structure algorithms, such as AVL trees, linked lists, binary trees and so on.
- Higham的书非常小心的处理细节,强调稳定性,但包含很多算法的信息和提供各种类型的见解。-Higham' s book dealing with the details very carefully, emphasizing the stability, but contains many algorithms to provide various types of information and insights.
- Djvu格式的书籍,介绍计算机硬件设计的算术算法。内容详尽,深入浅出,覆盖面也比较广。-Djvu format, books, computer hardware designs described arithmetic algorithms. Detailed, easy to understand, is also more extensive coverage.
- 算法导论pdf pdf版算法导论 很详细的一本算法书 书中带有目录 可以方便查看-Pdf pdf version Introduction to algorithms Introduction to algorithms very detailed book, a book with a catalog of the algorithm can easily see
- 算法 数据结构 C++ 课件 各种重要算法和数据结构-algorithms Data Structures C++ Courseware various important algorithms and data structures
- 2011springer最新的算法和并行计算的书-algorithms and Parallel Computing
- VB - algorithms to encrypt files.(Part2)
- 线性方程的迭代法,集合了Jacobi,Gauss-Seidel,SOR三种方法,还有针对泊松方程的SOR方法-Programs to solve linear problems.Four algorithms are included.They are Jacobi,Gauss-Seidel,SORand SOR for Poisson
- some books of algorithms
Introduction to algorithms
- 算法导论(原书第3版) 中文完整版 高清扫描版,本书提供了对当代计算机算法研究的一个全面、综合性的介绍。(Introduction to algorithms (original book Third Edition) Chinese version of the full HD scan version, this book provides a comprehensive and comprehensive introduction to contemporary computer algo
Genetic algorithms
- Genetic algorithms of Batteries Parameters