- android 2.3源代码中的camera部分,包括拍照,摄像,图片预览。-The camera part of the android 2.3 source code, including photographs, video, pictures preview.
- Android 2.3.3 SDK NFC DEMO 关于NFC的应用-Android 2.3.3 SDK NFC DEMO application on NFC
- Android编程手册,英文版,前面一部分与android的SDK文档差不多,后面部分比较有参看价值,具体目录见英文描述!-Android A Programmer’s Guide New York Chicago San Francisco Contents at a Glance(目录) 1 What Is Android? 2 Downloading and Installing Eclipse 3 Downloading and I
- Android+SDK+2.3与Eclipse最新版开发环境搭建-Android+ SDK+2.3 with the latest version of Eclipse development environment to build
- 介绍了Windows环境下,基于Android SDK(2.3/3.0) 和 Eclipse(helios)的Android开发环境的搭建,并创建了第一个应用程序Hello Android World。-Describes the Windows environment, based Android SDK (2.3/3.0) and Eclipse (helios) of the Android development environment to build and create the f
- 1章 掀起你的盖头来——初识Android. 1 1.1 认识Android 1 1.2 Android的背景 2 1.2.1 Android的历史 2 1.2.2 Android的发展 2 1.3 我的Android我做主 2 1.3.1 开发基于Android平台的应用 3 1.3.2 参加Android开发者大赛 3 1.3.3 个人英雄主义再现——得到更多人的认可和尊重 3 1.3.4 获得应有的收益——Android Market
- This pdf ebook lets you 1. Getting to Know Android 2. Setting Up Your Android Development Environment 3. Using the Android Development Environment for Real Applications 4. Debugging Android Applications 5. Signing and Publishing Your A
- android 2.3的系统源码,解压后放在sdk/platforms/android-8/sources下后,Eclipse中编写代码时点击系统函数即可看到源码-android 2.3 system source code, extract and placed under sdk/platforms/android-8/sources after, Eclipse when you write code you can see the source code click on the sys
- android sdk 2.3.3 利用json读取远程php网站数据实例-android 2.3.2 json php
- Android SDK 2.3(API 9)所有的对话框示例程序,在eclips中直接打开该工程即可。-Android SDK 2.3 (API 9) All the dialog sample program, the project can be opened directly in eclips.
- This code runs on eclipse with android sdk 2.3 installed.it helps you to send sms via application. if you are using emulator give emulator number, on real device give phone number.
- This code runs on eclipse with android sdk 2.3 installed.it helps you to create a several views under one roof. a page can be seen by just clicking on the tab. in this i have created two tabs , the main part is handled by the tablayout .java-This cod
- This code runs on eclipse with android sdk 2.3 installed.it helps you to send email in different ways, very useful code in webshop application,medical app, chatting, etc.
- This code runs on eclipse with android sdk 2.3 installed.it helps you to create a several list of items out of which we can select one of them. it is named as spinner in android
- This code runs on eclipse with android sdk 2.3 installed.it helps you to create a web view in app this can be used when you want browse any infromation through your app or login into any website
- This code runs on eclipse with android sdk 2.3 installed.it helps you to view a list along the images or icons and by clicking on the txt in the list you will get a separate view of the selected list.it is helpful for listing any type of items
- 目前Samsung的Galaxy Tab和Nexus S均有前置摄像头,获取Android摄像头的详细信息,在Android 2.3 SDK中得到了增强: 在android.hardware.Camera类中,API Level 9的SDK中加入了两个比较重要的方法,-Currently Samsung' s Galaxy Tab and Nexus S has front camera, access to Android camera details in Android 2.
- linphon SDK开发库文件,可直接引用-linphon SDK development library files can be directly referenced
- 这是使用Eclipse + Android SDK + ADT 开发的一个简单的可以在安卓2.3以上环境运行的播放器小程序。歌曲和歌词文件需要放在根目录下面。-This is done using Eclipse+ Android SDK+ ADT developed a simple environment can run Android 2.3 or higher player applet. Songs and lyrics files required in the root direc
- 大疆无人机SDK,Android手机设备版(Dajiang UAV SDK, Android mobile device version)