- 100vhdl例子 应用于各基础电路或高级电路的基础部分-100vhdl example of the basic circuit used senior circuit or part of the foundation
- 此文件里为我多年收集的子程序模块源代码,对于初学者很适用。用多种语句描叙,有常用的基本电路模块描叙。-this document for many years I collected subroutine module source code, the application for beginners. Using a variety of statements depicts a common basic circuit module depicts.
- Multisim使用说明书 本手册针对进行一般模拟电路仿真的MultisimV7用户,概括了MultisimV7单机教学版的安装和主要功能,指导读者逐步地建立一个基本电路,并进行仿真、分析。本手册所描述的大多数功能,各种版本的MultisimV7都具备。-Multisim use of the manual specification against the general analog circuit simulation Multisi mV7 users, summarized the
- 基于CD4046构成的PLL及应用 CD4046构成的PLL在通信、频率处理、自动控制等技术领域中应用较为广泛,正确理解CD4046对掌握电路基本组成、原理及应用。对处理实际工程问题有很大帮助-based on the PLL constitute CD4046 and CD4046 constitute the application of the PLL communications, frequency processing, automatic control technology
- 低功耗的设计与实现方法! CMOS电路低功耗设计的基本方法和途径! -Low-power design and implementation! Low-power CMOS circuit design of the basic ways and means!
- 运放关键参数解析。 对于嵌入式学习来说,一些基本的电路知识是不可缺少的。-OPAMP analysis of key parameters. For embedded learning for some of the basic circuit knowledge is indispensable.
- 本设计对+5V,+12V低压线性稳压电源的基本电路原理,各器件的参数计算选择,相关技术要求和实际使用中的有关问题进行了阐述。 本设计规范适用于电子设备用小功率低压线性稳压电源电路的设计 -The design of 5 V,+ 12V low-voltage linear regulator power supply of the basic circuit, the device s parameters choice, relevant technical requirements
- Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications deals with the design of high-speed integrated circuits for optical communication systems. Written for both students and practicing engineers, the book systematically takes the reader from basi
- Modern.Receiver.Front.Ends.Systems.Circuits.and.Integration A very good book about receiver-In recent years, the research and developments in the area of RF and microwave technologies have progressed significantly due to the growing demand for ap
- 主要是模擬8051電路板上LED顯示器.透過vb程式.經由RS232去傳送信號到電路板上.模擬出與VB介面顯示地動作相同-The main circuit board 8051 are simulated LED display. Through vb program. Go through the RS232 transmit signals to the circuit board. Simulate the interface with the VB show to the same ac
- This application note gives an example for microcontroller C code. It includes code for: Readout of Humidity (RH) or Temperature (T) with basic error handling Calculation of RH linearization and temperature compensation Access to status r
- Protues仿真的一个数码管电路.用了ULN2003和373.只能是一个基本电路.供学习.-Protues simulation of a digital control circuit. ULN2003 and 373 used. Can only be a basic circuit. For learning.
- 数字电路,数字抢答器的设计。内附基本电路图及代码。-Digital circuits, digital design Answer. Containing the basic circuit diagram and the code.
- 一种基于单片机校制ISD4004语音芯片应用电路-A school system based on single-chip voice chip ISD4004 Circuit
- This paper illustrates an approach to design a 4 Quadrant multiplier circuit using BJT. A Quadrant multiplier basically consist of 2 matched differential pair units with BJTs. This principle was established by B.Gilbert in 1968 and the circuit is kno
- 涵盖电路分析的基本内容,包括直流和交流电路,特别是运算放大器电路的分析方法-Cover basic circuit analysis, including DC and AC circuits, especially op-amp circuit analysis
- RE Basic Circuit Diagram-Basic Circuit
- 工程师应该掌握的20个模拟电路详细分析及参考答案.整流电路,滤波器,微积分电路,放大电路等基本电路详细解析。-Engineers should master the 20 analog circuit detailed analysis and reference answers. Rectifier circuits, filters, calculus circuit, amplifier and other basic circuit detailed analysis.
- 工程师必会的20种基本电路及电路的应用。-The engineer will be 20 kinds of basic circuit
design guideline for verilog basic circuit
- basic circuit design based on verilog