- This file contains a new and improved version of the Huffman coder, (June 29. 2001). The name is Huff06.m. There are also some additional files which are helpful when using Matlab for data compression: quantizer, different variants of run-length-enco
- This paper describes the implementation of a multidimensional block-matching nonrigid registration algorithm. The main features of the algorithm are its simplicity, its free form nature, the modularity of the similarity measure, which makes it possib
- ZPAV (H.265) is audio-visual codec protocol, very different from H264/MPEG4, ZPAV (H.265) basic algorithm is wavelets, SPIHT, BSW, MMW, ...... ZPAV (H.265) basic algorithm : 1, analysis/synthesis : wavelets 2, denoise : GCV (general
- ieee一种基于混沌的新加密方法An Image Encryption Scheme Based on Chaotic Map - In this paper, a novel block digital image encryp- tion scheme based on a chaotic coupled map lattices (CML) is reported. Within this scheme, an original image is decomp
- 一篇英文文献,文中介绍的方法是先把图像分块,用熵值作为衡量每块图像的信息多少;计算每个图像块的熵值,熵值越大,信息含量就多。但是仅仅把熵值大的图像块拼在一起得到的融合图像有明显的不连续性,文中介绍了消除这种不连续性的方法-An English literature, the paper introduces the method is to first image block, using entropy as a measure of how much each piece of image
- 此matlab代码用于削减并消除图片中的block,提高图片质量。Deblock使用小波变换消除block,DeBlocking2通过计算熵,确定每个block的信息量,来消除block-This matlab code is for diluting and removing artifacts in images, upgrading the images. DeBlock applies wavelet to deblock and DeBlocking2 deblocks by
- A block-based transformation algorithm is proposed for image security using a combination of image transformation and encryption techniques. This algorithm will be used as a pre-encryption transform to confuse the relationship between the origi
- Sound, Image and Video Compression and Coding International Hellenic University - Virtual Labs Entropy Coding Quantization Transform Coding MP3 - Psycoacoustics MP3 Compression JPEG MPEG, Block Matching Motion Estimation - P-Frame
- 计算任意多个信号源的信息熵,信道容量迭代算法,线性分组码-Calculation of any source of information entropy, channel capacity iterative algorithm for linear block codes
- 彩色图像的嵌入方法,利用熵值选取水印嵌入合适的块-Color image embedding method using entropy to select the watermark embedding the appropriate block
- 信息论实验仿真。包括马尔科夫信源、huffman编码、瑞利分布、分组码编码、熵计算等等。-Information theory experimental simulation. Markov source, huffman coding, Rayleigh distribution block code encoding, entropy calculations, and so on.
- 此程序实现的是四幅不同曝光图像的图像融合,它使用分块的方法,比较各个块的熵值,然后,由熵值最大的块组成图像。-To achieve the function of this program is four different exposure image fusion image first four image block is to compare their entropy values, select the entropy of a larger block composite ima
- 基于压缩感知思想的图像分块压缩与重构方法 考虑到大多数图像信号信息分布有差异, 编码端, 在对图像分块的基础上, 融合熵估计 和边缘检测方法计算各图像块的信息含量, 再从两个不同的角度进行分类采样: 依据信息量多少将图像块分为平滑、过渡和纹理3 类, 使用不同的采样率采样 依据信息量的分布特征, 采用不同的采样率分配策略进行采样. 在解码端, 根据不同类型的图像块构造不同的线性算子进行重构, 再运用改 进的迭代阈值算法去除块效应和噪声. 实验证明, 算法在提升图像重构质量的同时缩短了
source coding
- 中文熵统计实验,卷积码,循环码,香农编码,线性分组码,费诺编码,霍夫曼编码(Chinese entropy statistical experiment, convolution code, cyclic code, shannon coding, linear block code, fano coding, Huffman coding.)
TELE - 653 Digital Coding
- e Handbook Entry Communication concepts: Fourier transforms, random signals, Transmitter and receiver filters, matched filter, Nyquist criterion. Digital Modulation schemes: M-ary ASK, QPSK, FSK, CPM, spectral analysis of modulated signals, ML and
GMT 0005-2012 随机性检测规范PDF
- 国密随机数规范,用于国密局随机数检测,按照规范开发(GM 0005 doc [01] Frequency [02] Block Frequency [03] Cumulative Sums [04] Runs [05] Longest Run of Ones [06] Rank [07] Discrete Fourier Transform [08] Nonp