- 实现简单图像处理,包括256色转灰度图、Hough变换、Walsh变换、中值滤波、二值化变换、亮度增减、傅立叶变换、反色、取对数、取指数、图像平移、图像旋转、图像细化、图像缩放、图像镜像、均值滤波、对比度拉伸、拉普拉斯锐化(边缘检测)、方块编码、梯度锐化、灰度均衡、直方图均衡、离散余弦变换、维纳滤波处理、逆滤波处理、阈值变换、高斯平滑。-simple image processing, including color to grayscale 256, the Hough transform,
- 本程式实做了Noise Reductin Algorithm 2005年一个韩国人在ieee发表的Paper Block-based noise estimation using adaptive Gaussian filtering 此论文也收录在资料夹中,供使用者参考。 首先,click open file, 选择第一张原始图(未被杂讯污染) 接下来选择第二张图(有杂讯) 你可以直接点选Noise Reduction观看结果 也可以先调整旁边的th
- 利用matlab的DCT2函数,对图像做变换并压缩。并用8*8对图像分块,对每一块计算均方值作为阈值。,DCT2 use the matlab function, and transform the image so compressed. And 8* 8 image block, a calculation of each mean square value as a threshold.
- 程序实现图像分块,凸包,分割等功能,学图像处理的朋友建议下载。-Image sub-block implementation procedures, convex hull, partition and other functions, the study image processing Friend recommended download.
- 针对给定的静止图像进行DCT 变换 给定不同的阈值及将数据块中不同位置的值置为0所得到的不同情况下压缩-For a given static image DCT transform a given threshold and a different data block at different positions of a value of 0 has been compressed under different circumstances
- Motion detection results If you double-click the Switch block so that the signal is connected to the SAD side, the Video Viewer block displays the SAD values, which represent the absolute value of the difference between the current and pr
- Edge Detection This demo finds the edges of objects in a video stream using the Prewitt method. You can double-click the Edge Detection block and adjust the Threshold parameter while the simulation is running. The higher you make the thre
- 带有阈值的块拼接纹理合成算法,即选择当前合成块时采用与特定阈值比较,而不是从最小误差块的一定范围内寻找合适的块-Patches with a threshold value of the texture synthesis algorithm, which select the current synthesis of block used with a specific threshold value, rather than from the smallest block error wit
- 自已用Vs 2003开发的,车牌识别程序源码,很有用的,实现简单图像处理,包括256色转灰度图、Hough变换、Walsh变换、中值滤波、二值化变换、亮度增减、傅立叶变换、反色、取对数、取指数、图像平移、图像旋转、图像细化、图像缩放、图像镜像、均值滤波、对比度拉伸、拉普拉斯锐化(边缘检测)、方块编码、梯度锐化、灰度均衡、直方图均衡、离散余弦变换、维纳滤波处理、逆滤波处理、阈值变换、高斯平滑。 -Their own development with the VC, license plate re
- 实现简单图像处理,包括256色转灰度图、Hough变换、Walsh变换、中值滤波、二值化变换、亮度增减、傅立叶变换、反色、取对数、取指数、图像平移、图像旋转、图像细化、图像缩放、图像镜像、均值滤波、对比度拉伸、拉普拉斯锐化(边缘检测)、方块编码、梯度锐化、灰度均衡、直方图均衡、离散余弦变换、维纳滤波处理、逆滤波处理、阈值变换、高斯平滑。-Simple image processing, including 256 colors to grayscale, Hough transform, Wal
- Genetic algorithms (GAs) have recently been accepted as powerful approaches to solving optimization problems. It is also well-accepted that building block construction (schemata formation and conservation) has a positive influence on GA behavior.
- Shutdown of the UC1842 can be accomplished by two methods either raise pin 3 above 1 V or pull pin 1 below a voltage two diode drops above ground. Either method causses the output of the PWM comparator to be high (refer to block diagram). The PWM
- 实现简单图像处理,包括256色转灰度图、Hough变换、Walsh变换、中值滤波、二值化变换、亮度增减、傅立叶变换、反色、取对数、取指数、图像平移、图像旋转、图像细化、图像缩放、图像镜像、均值滤波、对比度拉伸、拉普拉斯锐化(边缘检测)、方块编码、梯度锐化、灰度均衡、直方图均衡、离散余弦变换、维纳滤波处理、逆滤波处理、阈值变换、高斯平滑.-。-simple image processing, including color to grayscale 256, the Hough transform
- 本文介绍的是一种改进的SPIHT算法,是基于图像编码的小波系数块的,它主要是把四个系数分成一个块,与阈值比较,分出重要与非重要,在进行编码。-This article is a modified SPIHT algorithm is based on the wavelet coefficients of image coding block, it is mainly divided into the four coefficients of a block, compared with th
- 针对现有基于灰度级相似的图像拼接方法的缺点,提出了一种图像自动拼接的快速算法。该算法综合考虑了图像拼接的精度和速度,在基准特征块的提取上,采用简单的边缘信息阈值法,实现了基准块的自主选取,提高了图像拼接的精度;在块搜索上,采用金字塔式分层搜索策略,提高了图像拼接的速度。实验证明,该算法扩展了传统拼接算法的适用范围,具有较好的性能.-Based on gray-scale for the existing image mosaic method similar shortcomings, we p
- :针对字符号码类目标,提出一种无需全图阈值分割和先验特征匹配计算的方法。先利用 方向梯度块精确定位目标,再对目标区域作局部阈值分割,从而快速地得到高质量的目标信息。-: Number of classes for the characters, we put forward a complete map without a priori segmentation and feature matching calculation. Gradient direction of the first
- 深度图像遮挡边缘检测,阈值法,MATLAB源码-Depth of the image edge detection block, threshold method, MATLAB source
- 本次仿真研究多幅度电平信号误码率与信噪比之间的关系,系统框图如上。假设考虑8幅度电平,则根据流程首先需要用一个随机数发生器产生在(0,1)间的均匀随机数,然后将(0,1)区间均匀划分为(0,0.125)、(0.125,0.25)、(0.25,0.375)、(0.375,0.5)、(0.5,0.625)、(0.625,0.75)、(0.75,0.875)、(0.875,1)这些子区间,并分别对应于一个3bit符号000、001、010、011、100、101、110、111,接着分别映射到-7d、
- 图像的方块编码(BCT),通过不同大小子块3*、5*5、7*7对图像分块,经过阈值判断,统计特性判断、进行编码-Box of the image encoding (BCT), by the different sizes of sub-block 3* 5* 5,7* 7, the image block with the judgment of the threshold, statistical characteristics of judgment
- Opencv自适应阈值函数与规定阈值函数源码,可以通过滑动框调节,直观可靠-Opencv adaptive threshold function with a predetermined threshold value function source, by adjusting the sliding block, intuitive and reliable