- 可读写bmp格式的图的程序,给了Visobject.cpp 和 visobject.h 做样子,很容易将它们改成合自己用的,能读写bmp格式图象的程序。使用Linux的, 给出pcbitmap.h以备使用。写程序时注意读整数时字节是按顺序还是逆序排列的。-can read and write bmp format of the processes, and to the Visobject.cpp visobject.h frill, it is very easy to change thei
- 将bmp文件转换为DICOM文件 大家下载Cimg.h文件后,放在同一目录下,在vc++6.0中就可以编译-document will be converted to bmp file you download DICOM Cimg.h documents, on the same directory, vc 6.0 can be compiled
- 本程序在项目中测试通过 yangxing msn:lelma_yx@hotmail.com 希望对tft屏操作的朋友有所帮助。 一、支持65K色320*240bmp图片 二、输入文件为bmp文件(如15.bmp) 三、输出文件为.h文件(如15.h) 四、支持555和565格式 五、在显示文件中包含此头文件,然后将其输出到TFT屏上即可-the procedures in the project through testing yangxing msn : le
- 图象格式读写库函数(各种图像格式的读写,包括bmp,JPEG,PCX,TGA,ICO,TIFF,PNG,WMF(读取)。使用非常的方便,整个库就两个函数ZLoadImg和ZSaveImg,具体使用在ZImgLoad.h中有说明。-image format reading and writing library functions (various image formats read and write, including bmp, JPEG, PCX, TGA, PCX, TIFF, PNG
- linux下开源图片codec,可显示png,jpg,bmp等,还可交叉编译,在ARM平台运行。,This is a image viewer for framebuffer devices. It is quick & dirty hacked off a svgalib PhotoCD viewer. This background is the reason for a few limits: * It can handle the usual VGA graphics m
- convert bmp file to header file(.h) data program,convert bmp file to header file(.h) data program
- bmp图像转换为C语言数组.h文件,包括1bit\2bit\4bit\8bit\16bit\24bit-convert the bmp image to C h file
- 标准C++/C处理bmp图像,没有使用VC中的BITMAP类及任何不在ANSI-C中的结构和函数。采用了k_means压缩算法处理24bit(可以更改源码使之支持8-bit,16-bit和灰度bmp)源码注释详细,其中对bmp文件bmphEADINFO的处理比较有趣。 new.cpp---->主要的程序代码 *.h----->一个产生U(0,1)随机数的发生器,相合度较小,DES函数产生。-Standard C++/C handle bmp images, do not us
- MPEG-2到h.264帧内图像转码。实现了YUV图像到bmp图像的转换。 -MPEG-2 to h.264 intra transcoding images. Achieved a YUV image to bmp image conversion.
- VC的bmp转JPEG格式,PicCompressEncode-VC of the bmp to JPEG format, PicCompressEncode
- 编译源文件生成可执行文件TestLibjpeg.exe, 此程序可以转换bmp位图为jpg格式,或解压缩 jpg格式图像为bmp格式。 将需转换的bmp格式图片存到和TestLibjpeg.exe 相同的文件夹下,在DOS界面下使用命令行参数 bmp到jpeg的转换使用:TestLibjpeg.exe j 原图片名.bmp 目标图片名.jpg jpeg到bmp的转换使用:TestLibjpeg.exe b 原图片名.jpg 目标图片名.bmp- AppWizard h
- A DLL library of converting bmp and jpg each other,which includes .h and .lib file! You can easily use it!
- CImage类 CImage是MFC和ATL共享的新类,它能从外部磁盘中调入一个JPEG、GIF、bmp和PNG格式的图像文件加以显示,而且这些文件格式可以相互转换。由于CImage在不同的Windows操作系统中其某些性能是不一样的,因此在使用时要特别注意。例如,CImage::PlgBlt和CImage::MaskBlt只能在 Windows NT 4.0 或更高版本中使用,但不能运行在Windows 95/98 应用程序中。CImage::AlphaBlend和CImage::Tran
- 实现对bmp格式图像文件的读取与写入操作(不能够对32位位图文件操作)-bmp format image files to realize the read and write operations (not a bitmap file on 32-bit operation)
- CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage is open source and licensed under the zlib license. In a nutshell, this means that you can use the code however you wish, as long as you
- Converts .bmp images to hEX values tables for use with microcontrollers driving small lcd screens
- Usage: convbdf [options] [input-files] convbdf [options] [-o output-file] [single-input-file] options: -c Convert .bdf to .c source file -h Convert .bdf to .h header file (to create sysfont.h) -f Convert .bdf to .fnt font file -b Convert
- bmp Loader - a quick and dirty substitute for GLaux if you only use GLaux to load bmp files will load any format of a windows DIB bmp format graphics file Only works on a windows box Caution! memory for the data is allocated using new . In th
- 实现对bmp格式图像文件的读取与写入操作(不能够对32位位图文件操作)-bmp format image files to realize the read and write operations (not a bitmap file on 32-bit operation)
- .熟悉bmp图像的结构,编程实现bmp图像的阅读和显示。 编程实现彩色bmp图像的三个分量R、G、B的显示,Y、I、Q,h、S、I分量和X、Y、Z的显示。 获取图像任意一点的像素值(Familiar with the structure of bmp image, programming to realize the reading and display of bmp image. The programming realizes the display of three compone