java udp broadcast chat
- 自己做的一个java 的聊天工具,主要向实现的事udp的广播、多播识别用户,可以突破局域网的限制,最主要的是想实现文件的广播传送,以及多人的广播语音,最后由于毕业,只完成,语音部分。-have done a java chat tool to achieve the main thing udp in broadcasting, multicast identifies the user, can overcome the limitations LAN, the most important
- java同步播放工具,支持mpeg,mp3.jpeg等同时演示。需要安装jmf插件。限于文件大小,为上传,可在java官方网站下载-broadcast tools, support mpeg, mp3.jpeg concurrent demonstration. JMF need to install the plug-in. Size limited to, upload, the java official website
- 用java开发的局域网广播系统,采用客户机/服务器模式,能在局域网内实现广播-Using java to develop local area network broadcasting system, using client/server model, can be achieved in the local area network broadcasting
- 利用hashtable实现网络广播,其中分inject.java和peer.java两部份,inject插入要广播内容,peer端接收显示并转发,过程中判断是否来自同一IP和端口,并检查是否是原数据。文件为RAR压缩格式。-Hashtable realize the use of webcasts, in which sub-inject.java and peer.java two parts, inject insert to broadcast content, peer-side rec
- This project concentrates on the deterministic approach. This guarantees the full coverage in mobile adhoc network. This uses deterministic broadcast protocols that use neighbor set information only, which is more efficient method.
- MulticastClient.java broadcasts message on port 1115. This introduces you how to deliver or transmit data in network and describes the fundamental of various techniques like: unicast, broadcast and multicast.
- 这是我用java编的一个应用程序,用java做的一个播放器程序。-This is what I use for a java application, using java to do a broadcast program.
- java写的播报语音程序,值得看看,很简单,-java program to write the broadcast voice, it is worth to see, very simple, huh, huh
- 程序不断优化,负载不断提升:ACC数据库测试日访问量2W以上访问流畅不卡,万条数据静态生成只需要十分钟 02、支持全静态网站:除外搜索页面,其他所有前台页面均可以生成静态,包括播放页;有效降低网站.. -Process is being optimized, load continuously upgrade: ACC-day visit to the volume of test data for more than 2W access card is not smooth, st
- JAVA写的局域网基于UDP协议收发数据程序 Addressmanager。。。。获取地址 Broadcast。。。。。。。局域网广播-Written in JAVA UDP protocol LAN send and receive data based on program Addressmanager. . . . Get Address Broadcast. . . . . . . LAN broadcast
- java语言编写的一个局域网广播系统,里面包含完整的程序代码。-java written in a local area network broadcasting system, which contains the complete code.
- Video has been an important media for communications and entertainment for many decades. Initially video was captured and transmitted in analog form. The advent of digital integrated circuits and computers led to the digitization of video, and di
- KittenTransfer 该程序是为局域网即时通信开发,难点之一在于局域网内用户列表的建立。当KittenTransfer启动时,首先向局域网内所有启动了KittenTransfer的用户发送一条广播消息,收到消息后,在用户列表中添加发送广播消息的用户。当用户退出KittenTransfer时, 也发送一条广播消息通知其他用户,之后其他用户将用户列表中的该用户删除。启动KittenTransfer后,可以实现与多用户的即时通信,文件传输。消息窗口采用Java Socket处理。-Kitt
- 由于项目需要、这两天几天一直在研究百度导航的功能、通过不断的实践终于有结果了、不愿意独享 现在我把我的研究成果和大家分享一下、其实百度的 API 已经相当不错了 这之所以要写出来、一是自己做一个笔记、二是以方便一起朋友少走弯路 百度导航SDK由三部分组成:代码Jar包,资源包,so动态库。代码Jar包由Java源代码编译打包而成 提供在线导航、线路规划、语音播报等功能/资源包由导航所需的配置数据、基础数据 以及导航功能所需的layout、