8051 encoder Absolute Encoder Positioner
- 8051 Absolute Encoder Positioner How to connect and drive absolute position encoder with SSI serial interface. The encoder has been made by Siemens (6FX2001-5FS12). Archive contains: 1) schematic, 2) source in C and Assembler
使用keil C并用PROTEUS仿真
- 使用keil C并用PROTEUS仿真,实现8051单片机对温湿度传感器SHT10数据采集,并使用1602液晶显示。-PROTEUS using keil C and used simulation to achieve 8051 temperature and humidity sensor SHT10 of data collection, and use the 1602 LCD.
- C语言编写的温湿度传感器SHT11与51单片机的接口驱动程序,做毕业设计很辛苦弄好的,网上找不到的哦!,C language SHT11 temperature and humidity sensor with 51 single-chip interface driver, very hard to do graduate design ready, and the Internet can not be found Oh!
- 基于8051的SD卡读写程序,内容包括SD卡的读写,配置,校验等,8051 based on the SD card reader program, including reading and writing SD card, configuration, calibration, etc.
- I2C通信存储芯片24C32的使用C源程序,支持8051系列单片机,用KeilC51编写,有连续读和连续写函数,可以对24C32进行连续写字节和连续读出字节,本程序在89C52单片机下测试通过。,24C32 memory chip I2C communication using the C source of support the 8051 series of single-chip, using KeilC51 prepared for a continuous period of time
- 8051实现直流电机PMW调速系统 本文所述的直流电机闭环调速系统是以低价位的单片微机8051为核心的,而通过单片机来实现电机调整又有多种途径,相对于其他用硬件或者硬件与软件相结合的方法实现对电机进行调整,采用PWM软件方法来实现的调速过程具有更大的灵活性和更低的成本,它能够充分发挥单片机的效能,对于简易速度控制系统的实现提供了一种有效的途径。而在软件方面,采用PLD算法来确定闭环控制的补偿量也是由数字电路组成的直流电机闭环调速系统所不能及的。曾经也试过用单片机直接产生PWM波形,但其最终效
- 《uC/os-II 内核分析.移植与驱动程序开发》随书光盘中的全部源代码,全部通过调试。书中介绍μC/OS-Ⅱ的内核分析、移植过程和驱动程序开发方法。书中首先以μC/OS-Ⅱ在8051系列单片机上的移植为例子,详细剖析μC/OS-Ⅱ的内核和移植过程;然后以串口通信为例,介绍如何为μC/OS-Ⅱ实时内核添加设备的驱动程序;最后介绍μC/OS-Ⅱ在数字信号处理器[DSP]上的移植,以使读者进一步加深对μC/OS-Ⅱ的理解。 -" UC/os-II core analysis. Transpl
- 《单片机C语言程序设计实训100例——基于8051+Proteus仿真》全部是Proteus的仿真,DSN文件和hex文件。 推荐做毕业设计和学习单片机的下载。 内容包括: 第 01 篇 基础部分: 01 闪烁的LED 02 从左到右的流水灯 03 左右来回的流水灯 04 花样流水灯 05 LED模拟交通灯…… 48 单片机与PC机串口通讯仿真 第 02 篇 硬件应用:01 74LS138译码器应用 02 74HC154译码器应用 03 74HC595串入并出芯片应用 04 7
- keil C 与proteus环境下仿真单片机开发的5个实例,是单片机嵌入式开发的极有价值的参考资料。其中包括了流水灯、走马灯、1602液晶屏驱动、ds1302、max7221的仿真开发实例,包括c语言代码。-keil C and Proteus simulation environment developed Singlechip five examples of single-chip embedded development is a very valuable reference. In
- This a FREE tool chain which compiles C codes into 8051 binary code, converts the binary to RTL ROM, and simulate in Modelsim. SDCC is the compiler. Example compilation: cd compile sdcc --iram-size 0x80 --xram-size 0x800 t8051.c RE
- 8051在keil C下的编程指南,帮助用户快速熟悉keilC,了解编译原理.-8051 in keil C programming under the guidance to help users familiar with the Express keilC, compiler know principle.
- This the book for 8051 using C and assembly language-This is the book for 8051 using C and assembly language
- 此为<8051单片机C完全手册>书的配套光盘中的源码. <8051单片机C完全手册>:求是科技出版.学习C51时可以当手册用的. 里面分章分节,一章的源码在一个文件夹里边.-This is the < 8051 C completely manual> Book matching the source CD-ROM. < C completely manual 8051> : for the science and technolog
- Programming and Interfacing the 8051 Microcontroller in C and Assembly
- Programming and Interfacing the 8051 Microcontroller in C and Assembly
- 51学习好资料,《C_and_the_8051》、《Patterns for time-triggered embedded systems》-《C_and_the_8051》、《Patterns for time-triggered embedded systems》
- gaio trinh hoc 8951 = C
- This project is used to measure the temperature using LM35 analog sensor and ADC0804 Analog-to-Digital converter working in wide range of temperature from 0 c to 120 c and displaying this value on an LCD. It is also used to control the measured tempe
- All about C51. This book is an introductory text intended primarily for undergraduate students in computer science, electrical engineering, software engineering and other related engineering majors. If you are not a student, however, please don
- 这是一本关于Intel 80C51 以及广大的51 系列单片机的书这本书介绍给读者一些 新的技术使你的8051 工程和开发过程变得简单请注意这本书的目的可不是教你各种 8051 嵌入式系统的解决方法(This is a book about Intel, 80C51 and the vast 51 series of single-chip microcomputer, this book introduces some readers The new technology makes y