- FreeCaller是Symbian软件, 可以让手机接到电话时能全屏看到对方的相片和更多资料.-FreeCaller is a Symbian application for Nokia phones, that can show you the full screen caller photo on incoming calls. It replaces the native symbian incoming call bubble, with a full screen dialog co
- symbian 2rd下可以获取并显示来电号码,并可以自动接听或拒绝接听。-symbian 2rd can access and display Caller ID, and can automatically answer or reject calls.
- Explaining how to retrive the caller number from the incoming call in symbian c-Explaining how to retrive the caller number from the incoming call in symbian c++
- symbian 后台捕获 按键c键 调用程序。其对应的实现。-symbian background to capture key c key caller. Its corresponding implementation.
- Helper function for calling into Symbian classes that expect a TDes&. This function converts a QString to a TDes by allocating memory that must be deleted by the caller for Linux.