- Using spectra to calculate strength of reflections and losses in passive cavities.The wavelength, reflection spectrum and transmission spectrum should be in the first 3 columns of an Excel file, which is selected when the cavity.m Matlab file is run.
- This program incorporates the FV method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations using 2D, Cartesian grids and the staggered arrangement of variables. Variables are stored as 2D arrays. SIMPLE method is used for pressure calculation. UDS and CDS are i
- LBM模拟方腔流,入门程序,简单易懂,适合初学者对该方法编程的一个初步认识-Lattice Boltzmann for cavity flow
- simplec算法下的方腔自然对流程序,来源于西安交大nht小组-SIMPLEC algorithm cavity under the natural convection process, from Xi
- Lattice Boltzmann用于模拟方腔流的程序。 生成的plt文件需用tecplot软件打开。-Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of cavity flow for the procedure.The plt files generated need the software named “tecplot” to open.
- Matlab scr ipt for solution to the driven cavity problem on a staggered grid using a divergence formulation and second-order Runge-Kutta time integration.
- this program solves the steady-state navier-stokes eqn in 2d for the flow in a driven cavity problem. the function solved for is the streamfunction. the velocity may be obtained by differentiating the streamfunction.
- 这个程序是一个用fortran编写的二维腔体对流的数值研究-This procedure is a fortran prepared using two-dimensional cavity of the numerical study of convective
- Computational Fluid Dynamic Finite Diferences Matlab code that simulates fluid in a cavity with a moving lid. Uses MAC method.
- 非结构方腔流动计算程序,采用C语言,计算流体动力学-Non-structural square cavity flow calculation program, using C language, computational fluid dynamics
- 运用CFD 编制的方腔流的Fortran程序-Prepared by the use of CFD in a square cavity flow Fortran program
- 自己编写的微腔有机发光器件发光光谱,验证过的-I have written a micro-cavity light-emitting organic light-emitting device spectrum
- cavity2d.m: 2D cavity flow, simulated by a LB method-cavity2d.m: 2D cavity flow, simulated by a LB method
- lattice boltzmann for cavity
- lattice boltzmann code for cavity flow
- cavity differentially headted
- The files in this directory will be replaced by new versions some time in the future. Check this file for information on latest update. The following files are presently included: GRID.F This file contains a code for generating 3D Cartesi
cavity LBM
- cavity lattice boltzmann method fortran code
heated cavity LBM
- heated cavity lattice boltzmann method fortran code
MRT LBM Cavity
- MRT LBM计算Lid driven cavity(multi relaxation time lattice boltzmann method for lid driven cavity test)