- Software for Low Density Parity Check Codes Radford M. Neal Version of 2006-02-08. This collection of programs and modules, written in C, is intended to support research and education concerning Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. (Note, however,
- 一种改进的扩展RC_LDPC码校验矩阵构造方法,发表在山西电子技术上-An improved expansion RC_LDPC code check matrix construction method
- dmb-th标准中关于LDPC中稀疏矩阵及校验矩阵的源代码,附有校验矩阵-dmb-th standard in on the LDPC check matrix sparse matrix and the source code, with parity matrix
- 计算ldpc低密度奇偶校验矩阵中4环的个数。-Ldpc calculated low-density parity-check matrix of the number of ring 4.
- Low density parity check matrix-Descr iption A program written for generating LDPC matrix in the as pattern as discussed in the research paper , " Time varying periodic convolutional codes with low density parity check matrix" by Alberto
- Flexible construction of girth-six QC-LDPC Codes-The program constructs girth-six QC-LDPC codes given row-weight,k, column-weight,j, and sub-matrix size,m. The obtained parity-check matrix is stored in H. The construction has flexibility in that j,k
- Construct the short length of QC LDPC codes without girth 4 and girth 6-The Program to construct the short length of QC LDPC codes without girth 4 and girth 6 Copyright (C) Yang XIAO, Jun FAN, BJTU, July 26, 2007, E-Mail: yxiao@bjtu.edu.cn.
- Hamning encoder/decoder with systematic generator and parity check matrix.
- In this paper, we present two encoding methods for block-circulant LDPC codes. The first is an iterative encoding method based on the erasure decoding algorithm, and the computations required are well organized due to the blockcirculant struc
cycle test algrithm
- lDPC校验矩阵的环检测。包括4环检测算法,6环检测算法及8环检测算法。还包括一个准循环LDPC奇偶校验矩阵的生成算法。-this algrithm can search cycles in LDPC parity check matrix。It contain cycle-4 cycle-6 cycle-8 test algrithm.It also contains a algrithm for generate the LDPC quasi-cyclic parity check matr
- 低密度奇偶校验码(简称LDPC码)是目前距离香农限最近的一种线性纠错码,它的直接编码运算量较大,通常具有码长的二次方复杂度.为此,利用有效的校验矩阵,来降低编码的复杂度,同时研究利用大规模集成电路实现LDPC码的编码.在ISE 8.2软件平台上采用基于FPGA的Verilog HDL语言实现了有效的编码过程,为LDPC码的硬件实现和实际应用提供了依据-Abstract:Low.density parity·check code(LDPC code)is a kind of linear eror
- 对消去短环的LDPC码校验矩阵的构造进行分析,发表在通信技术上。-Eliminate short-check matrix ring construction of LDPC codes
- 重庆大学硕士论文,LDPC码校验矩阵构造及编码研究-Check matrix of LDPC codes constructed and Coding
- 该程序可以将LDPC码校验矩阵mat文件转换成文本文件-The program can check matrix of LDPC codes mat file into a text file
- 两种不同的方法构造低密度校验编码的校验矩阵,两种方法的复杂度有所不同,适合编码研究的学子们-Two different coding method for constructing low-density parity check matrix, the complexity of the two methods differ for students who study coding
- How to get minimum distance parity check matrix-How to get minimum distance parity check matrix
- Check Matrix test for software enginering in matlab code.
- LDPC码校验矩阵的生成,可在c++上运行-Generating LDPC code check matrix, can be run on c++
- 根据行重、列重,构造低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC码)的校验矩阵。-According to the line weight, the column weight is constructed LDPC (LDPC code) parity check matrix.
- 通过Gallager和边增长算法生成LDPC码校验矩阵(generate the check matrix of LDPC code by using the Gallager method and progressive-edge-growth algorithm)