- The Audio Core interacts with the Audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on the Altera DE2/DE1 Boards and provides an interface for audio input and outpu
- The Audio Core interacts with the Audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on the Altera DE2/DE1 Boards and provides an interface for audio input and outpu
- The Audio Core interacts with the Audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on the Altera DE2/DE1 Boards and provides an interface for audio input and outpu
- The Audio Core interacts with the Audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on the Altera DE2/DE1 Boards and provides an interface for audio input and outpu
- The Audio Core interacts with the Audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on the Altera DE2/DE1 Boards and provides an interface for audio input and outpu
- The Audio Core interacts with the Audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on the Altera DE2/DE1 Boards and provides an interface for audio input and outpu
- 是用VERILOG HDL和NIOS II C/C++ 编的DE2-70板子的音频编解码芯片的使用工程-Is VERILOG HDL and NIOS II C/C++ code of the DE2-70 board in the audio codec chip, the use of project
- 高品质音频编解码器WM8731的Verilog使用程序-High-quality audio codec WM8731 of Verilog using the program
- this descr iption about sterio audio codec in fpga de2-this descr iption about sterio audio codec in fpga de2
- Audio Video Configuration.The Audio/Video Configuration Core interacts with the audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on Altera’s DE2/DE1 Boards, the video input on the DE2 Board and the two video daughter boards, Digital Camera (TRDB_DC2) and TFT LCDMod
- 本代码为Altera DE2开发板例程源码(EP2C35F672C6),quartus II 9.0以上版本均可编译(随板光盘为quartus II 7.2版在9.0以上版本上编译会报错)。本工程实现SD的音频播放器,即通过FPGA控制SD卡,读取SD的音频文件,通过WM8731进行播放。-In this demonstration we show how to implement an SD Card Music Player on the DE2 board, in which th
- 本代码为Altera DE2开发板例程源码,(FPGA:EP2C35F672C6)quartus II 9.0以上可以编译(随板源码为7.2以下版本,在9.0以上版本编译会报错)。本代码实现一个音视频播放器TV_BOX。-This demonstration plays video and audio input a DVD player using the VGA output and audio CODEC on the DE2 board. There are two major bl
- 针对Altera的DE2/ DE1交互板的音频核心的音频编解码器(编码器/解码器),并提供了音频输入和输出的接口。-The Audio Core interacts with the Audio CODEC (enCOder/DECoder) on the Altera DE2/DE1 Boards and provides an interface for audio input and output.