- 随着计算机技术和国际互联网的飞速发展,包括图像在内的各种多媒体数据的数量正以惊人的速度增长,人们很容易在多媒体信息海洋中迷失方向,如何从中有效地检索有用信息是一个很关键和迫切的问题。本文回顾了图像检索技术的发展状况,阐述了基于内容的图像检索的关键技术,结合认知心理学模型和智能科学技术,重点探讨了未来图像检索的发展方向和技术路线。 -with computer technology and the Internet's rapid development, include images o
- David Vernon is the Coordinator of the European Network for the Advancement of Artificial Cognitive Systems and he is a Visiting Professor of Cognitive Systems at the University of Genoa. He is also a member of the management team of the RobotCub int
- A good book on a subject of cognitive science
- Cognitive Science SDM code
- 人脸识别是近年来模式识别、图像处理、机器视 觉、神经网络以及认知科学等领域研究的热点课题之 一。作为生物特征识别的一个重要方面, 人脸识别在 档案管理系统、安全验证系统、信用卡验证、公安系统 的罪犯身份识别、银行和海关的监控、人机交互等领域 具有广阔的应用前景。与指纹识别、视网膜识别、虹膜 识别等技术相比, 人脸识别技术在数据采集方面手续 比较简单, 使用者更容易接受。-Face recognition in recent years, pattern recogni
- 基于认知无线电的信道分配策略研究,西安电子科技大学硕士论文,详细介绍了认知无线电频谱分配的各项知识点。。对你很有用处。。学习学习。-Based on cognitive radio channel allocation strategy, Xi' an University of Electronic Science and Technology Master' s thesis, detailing the cognitive knowledge of the radio spec
- 认知无线电的频谱空洞研究,西安电子科技大学硕士论文,详细介绍了认知无线电频谱分配的各项知识点。。对你很有用处。。学习学习。-Study of cognitive radio spectrum holes, Xi' an University of Electronic Science and Technology pp introduces the cognitive knowledge of the radio spectrum allocation points. . Useful t
- 《Head First设计模式》(中文版)共有14章,每章都介绍了几个设计模式,完整地涵盖了四人组版本全部23个设计模式。是编程爱好者的设计模式启蒙书。-If you ve read a Head First book, you know what to expect--a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive
- 本书内容包括:研究的总体框架、基本无知的决策制定、单一理由决策制定、超越选择——记忆、估计和分类等-Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart invites readers to embark on a new journey into a land of rationality that differs from the familiar territory of cognitive science and economics. Traditional view
- 一个音乐信息检索领域的工具包,支持例如节奏,音色,旋律,情感等多层音频特征的提取以及可视化-MIRtoolbox has been developed within the context of a Europeen Project called “Tuning the Brain for Music”, funded by the NEST (New and Emerging Science and Technology) program of the European Commi
- 这是一个能量检测法根据陈曦西安电子科技大学的硕士论文认知无线电中的频谱感知算法研究所得,公式也按照里面的编写 -This is an energy detection method according to Chen Xi, Xi' an University of Electronic Science and Technology Master' s thesis in cognitive radio spectrum sensing algorithm research, f
- 非常经典的机器学习的英文原版。《机器学习》展示了机器学习中核心的算法和理论,并阐明了算法的运行过程。《机器学习》综合了许多的研究成果,例如统计学、人工智能、哲学、信息论、生物学、认知科学、计算复杂性和控制论等,并以此来理解问题的背景、算法和其中的隐含假定-The English original of the classic machine learning. " Machine learning" shows the core of machine learning algo
- matlab语句实现图模型,多用于分析网络用户产品推荐及网络用户潜在社会关系分析模型的建立。-The goal of building systems that can adapt to their environments and learn from their experience has attracted researchers from many fields , including computer science, engineering, mathematics, ph
- Emotion modeling and recognition has drawn extensive attention disciplines such as psychology, cognitive science, and, lately, engineering. Although a significant amount of research has been done on behavioral modalities, less explored characteri
程序员的思维* 开发认知潜能的九堂课
- 程序员的思维* 开发认知潜能的九堂课(Programmers thinking development in the science of uniting the nine class of cognitive potential)
- SOA是对人的随机搜索行为进行分析,借助脑科学、认知科学、心理学、人工智能、多Agents系统、群体智能等的研究成果,分析研究人作为高级Agent的利己行为、利他行为、自组织聚集行为、预动行为和不确定性推理行为,并对其建模用于计算搜索方向和步长。(SOA is a random search of the human behavior analysis, the research results of brain science, cognitive science, psychology, a
- presentation of of Al-Sadeq International Conference on Multidisciplinary in IT and Communication Science and Applications (AIC-MITCSA) publish in IEEE xplore to reduce energy consumption in cognitive radio.