- Principal Component Analysis • Uses: – Data Visualization – Data Reduction – Data Classification – Trend Analysis – Factor Analysis – Noise Reduction • Examples: – How many unique “sub-sets” are in the sample? – How ar
- 用于估计谐振状态问题,比较Schmidt卡尔曼和标准卡尔曼滤波-Compares Schmidt-Kalman filter vs Kalman filter on problem of estimating the state of a damped harmonic resonator excited by white noise, and using measurements of resonator dispalcement corrupted by white noise
- the folder contains five scr ipts.m for direction of arrival estimation 1. DOA in 2D plane with PM Correlated sources underunknown Toelpitz noise 2. DOA in 2D plane with esprit code 3. DOA in 1D plane with esprit code 4. DOA in 2D plane with
- Smooth-Music ,Direction of Arrival Estimation In a communication situation, assuming flat fading,there may be multipath components from many directions. These components would be correlated with each other. Correlated components reduce the rank of
- 话务分析软件,多时段统计,方便快捷,便于分析统计- This Program is Designed To Simulate The Smart Antenna System On A BTS Receiver ( Uplink ) General Constraints For Using This
- function Colored(flag, corr) Kalman filter simulation with colored (time correlated) measurement noise. INPUTS: flag = 0 means ignore the time correlation of the measurement noise 1 means augment the system state 2 means use the Bry
- 空间相关噪声下信源个数的聚类检测算法,一篇核心期刊论文-Spatial correlated noise source number of the cluster detection algorithm, a core journal papers
- 一个仿真了色噪声的程序源码(文档格式)。色噪声与高斯白噪声不同,有更好的实际意义-The function essentially simulates the colored noise which essentially is a correlated process and unlike the white noise does not have flat PSD. Although white noise is a realistic process color noise seems m
- 多输入多输出(MIMO)通信系统相比其他的通信系统具有更高的频谱效率,在不增加发射功率以及信号带宽的 情况下,MIMO 技术可以有效地提高系统信道容量及其性能。利用均匀角能量分布以及相关矩阵,分析了相关信道下的MIMO 系统信道容量,得出了系统信道容量的通用公式,并利用MATLAB 进行仿真。仿真结果表明,相关性的增加意味着信噪比的减 小,圆形接收天线阵列半径与角度扩展是决定MIMO 系统信道容量的主要因素。-Multiple-input multiple output (MIMO)
- 图像相关算法的示例,网上转的,如果有问题请留言交流。英文说明很详细。-This function generates images with spatially correlated pixels. It regards an image as a discerete random field where each pixel is a random variable. The pixels can be correlated or completely independent,
- This paper analyses impact of using averaging filtering on quality of SAR images. These are commonly corrupted by multiplicative complex correlated noise (speckle) and by additive white Gaussian noise. Methods presented in this paper: multilook a
- Correlated noise generator (MatLab function)-Correlated noise generator (MatLab function)
- tgrr yggg ggg yttt Space time block coding (STBC) and beamforming techniques are two emerging technologies that can be employed at base station with multiple antenna to provide transmit diversity and beamforming gain to increase signal-to-
- 相关噪声的实现及其自相关函数图象显示,简单基础-Implementation and correlated noise autocorrelation function, image display, simple and basic
- comfac算法是三线性模型常见的数据检测方法。它首先将三线性数据通过tucker3模型压缩,然后通过最小二乘的方法不断更新数据,直到收敛,得到估计值- The algorithm works by first compressing the data using a Tucker3 models. Subsequently the PARAFAC model is fitted to the compressed array, either initialized with DTLD