
搜索资源 - covariance TRACKING
Knowledge of the process noise covariance matrix
is essential for the application of Kalman filtering. However,
it is usually a difficult task to obtain an explicit expression of
for large time varying systems. This paper looks at an adaptive
本文对于非线性非高斯问题,提出了一种改进扩展卡尔曼滤波(NIEKF)新方法。该方法将迭代滤波理论引入到扩展卡尔曼滤波器方法中,有效地重复利用新的测量信息,还利用Levenberg-Marquardt 方法调整预测协方差阵以保证算法具有全局收敛性。实验结果表明,所提方法具有更高的估计精度,是一种效率较高、性能较好的跟踪方法。-This non-Gaussian for nonlinear problems, an improved extended Kalman filter (NIEKF) th
用泰勒级数展开的形式表示高动态的载波相位参数, 给出了对高动态载体和各阶频率参数
估计的四阶加权扩展卡尔漫滤波器(EKF) , 以及实现高动态跟踪滤波器必须的状态转移矩阵和动
态噪声协方差矩阵. 计算机模拟实验分析了对载波相位和各阶频率的跟踪结果.-Taylor series expansion with the form that the carrier phase high-dynamic parameters, given the high-order dynamic freq
A matlab for detecting events in a soccer game video. Used covariance tracking to recognize ball. Used color-based segmentation to recognize players. Based on curvature of the ball trajectories and the position relationship between players, events ar
该代码用于实现视觉目标跟踪研究中的协方差跟踪,能够把多种时空特征融合于统一的模型中,在实现视觉目标跟踪时具有较好的鲁棒性,而且其维数等于使用特征的数量,与各个特征的维数无关,因此,其计算复杂度较小,实时性较好。-This code is used to realize covariance tracking in the research field of visual object tracking of computer vision. It enables fusion of variou
目标运动和卡尔曼跟踪的仿真程序,给出了系统状态转移矩阵和测量过程,以及协方差和增益。通过绘图得出仿真轨迹和真实轨迹的平均误差。有助于研究目标航迹跟踪-Target motion and Kalman tracking simulation program, the system state transition matrix and measurement process, as well as the covariance and gain. Obtained by drawing the a
这个程序是用matlab实现的车辆跟踪。用到的算法是协方差,包括梯度,rgb颜色,边缘,距离等多种元素。-This program is a vehicle tracking using matlab. The algorithm used is the covariance, including gradient, rgb color, the edge from the other elements.
针对全球定位系统( GPS) 的微弱信号跟踪容易失锁问题, 提出一种新的跟踪方法. 利用平方根卡尔曼滤波算法, 在运算过程中运用误差协方差矩阵的平方根形式进行迭代, 有效减小了舍入误差带来的影响. 提出了一种新的GPS 信号跟踪测量模型, 在连续积分的基础上, 加入了非连续积分过程, 通过有效处理, 避免了导航信息位翻转对信号相关运算产生的影响-Weak signal tracking for the Global Positioning System (GPS), easy to loss o
2011年IEEE T.的关于Real-Time Probabilistic Covariance Tracking With Efficient Model Update,请大家分享-2011 IEEE T. on Real-Time Probabilistic Covariance Tracking With Efficient Model Update, please share
The extended Kalman filter (EKF) has been widely
used as a nonlinear filtering method for radar tracking
problems. However, it has been found that in
case cross-range measurement errors of the target position
are large, the performance of the
The application uses the approach introduced in paper Covariance Tracking using Model Update Based on Means on Riemannian Manifolds , F.Porikli, O.Tuzel, P.Meer.
The tracking is based on:
1) initializing the target region
2) constructing the
协方差跟踪,将视频变成帧读入,计算协方差矩阵,并通过遍历找到最相似点区域进行跟踪,并生成轨迹-The covariance tracking, the video frame into read, calculate the covariance matrix, and find the similarities by traversing the area for tracking, trajectory generation and
扩展卡尔曼滤波算法C语言实现:实现对二维状态变量的预测及跟踪。包括卡尔曼滤波初始化函数,负责初始化状态变量的值,过程噪声,测量噪声,以及状态转移矩阵。 卡尔曼滤波函数负责对状态变量进行迭代滤波,整个过程包括状态预测,协方差预测,测量预测,计算卡尔曼增益,状态量更新,协方差更新。(To realize the prediction and tracking of two dimensional state variables. It includes the initialization func