- 基于DVB标准的动态加载数据广播业务的方案实现可以帮助我们理解数据广播业务的应用-based on the DVB standard data dynamically loaded in the broadcasting business programs can help achieve our understanding of the broadcasting industry data Application Services
- 日程数据应用示例,jsp设计,显示当前日期和时间-schedule data application examples, jsp design, display the current date and time
- 《JSP网络编程从基础到实践》的实例代码目录中包含了前10章的所有实例的源代码,实例名称及其所处章节如下: 第1章 JSP技术概述 实例1 第一个JSP页面 第3章 Web开发基础 实例2 HTML与Javascr ipt交互示例 第4章 JSP语法 实例3 JSP程序的基本结构 实例4 简单数据类型综合应用实例 实例5 包装类综合应用实例 实例6 数组应用实例 实例7 字符截取程序示例 实例8 查找字符串程序示例 实例9 Str
- 在数据采集系统中,USB接口技术以其高传输速度,简便的连接,以及其高通用性和高稳定性,比PCI等其他采集更适合与计算机的通信。本文系统介绍了基于USB2.0接口的数据采集系统的开发过程,以及硬件设计、固件、驱动和应用程序的设计等。本系统可实现模拟信号的采样和多路开关量输入、输出。并可通过对USB接口芯片可编程控制接口的设计实现数据的高速连续采样和传输。-Data Acquisition System, USB interface technology with a high transmissi
- usb系统数据收集器 usb开发的固件和应用程序。-usb data collection system for usb development of the firmware and application procedures.
- The development of a data acquisition card based on USB bus is introduced in this article.It first describes the configuration and principle of this card in the part of hardware design,and then the application program and device driver in the part of
- 该程序为GPS数据采集程序,AppWizard has created this GPS application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a sum
synaser Synapse串口同步库
- Synapse串口同步库。功能有:它不是控件,而只是代码库。适合编写控制台应用服务或其它应用;不需要安装;读写数据的方法和Synapse提供的TTCPBlockSocket一样;支持MODEM的AT指令;支持RTS驱动的通讯(例如:RS-485适配器)。功能无限制。源代码:包含。适用语言:CB3 CB4 CB5 D2 D3 D4 D5,Synapse serial synchronous library. Function: it is not control, but only code ba
Data Base Sync Desktop Application
- 数据库远程同步软件NetBeans项目源文件 项目采用Jdesktop集成组件(JDesktop Integration Components,JDIC)编写的通用数据库同步软件,通过JDBC获取需要同步的数据,再将数据插入到远程数据库;支持MySQL、SqlServer、Oracle数据库。,Remote database synchronization software projects NetBeans project source files Jdesktop integrated c
- BTM003蓝牙模块说明书.pdf,BTM005蓝牙模块说明书.pdf,基于BC03蓝牙模组的无线通信设备的研制.doc,基于蓝牙技术的单片机与PC机无线数据通信.pdf,BC04蓝牙模块AT指令说明.doc,蓝牙键盘模块选择方案.docx-BTM003 Bluetooth module manual. Pdf, BTM005 Bluetooth module manual. Pdf, based on BC03 Bluetooth module for wireless communicati
- 基于自组织神经网络数据及图像处理,在图像分割中应用极强。很好的源程序。 ,Self-organizing neural network-based data and image processing, image segmentation in the application of highly. Very good source.
- 配置使用freescale MC9S12X 单片机EEPROM,初始化,读写数据和擦除数据空间。,Freescale MC9S12X use single-chip configuration EEPROM, initialize, read and write data and erase data space.
- TW9910应用说明,包括PAL、NTSC、CVBS视频信号寄存器控制数据。-TW9910 Application Note with PAL NTSC CVBS register data.
- 穿山甲配置工具,有很多朋友无法成功获取数据,就是因为配置文件不对,现在我传个配置好的文件,希望对大家有帮助。-Pangolin configuration tool, there are many of my friends can not successfully obtain the data, because the configuration file is wrong, now I Chuan profile document, and want to help everyone.
- 数据方式,为网站之间最新信息分享提供桥梁作用的互联网数据分享应用平台-Data, for the latest information-sharing between the website to provide a bridge to share the Internet Data Application Platform
- This sample shows how you can use view controllers, table views, and Core Data in an iPhone application. The application uses the domain of organizing and presenting recipes to show how you can use the view controller as the organizing unit to m
- 设计一个销售员档案数据库,DBMS用Ms SQL Server.应用程序用VB来做。-Design a salesperson file database, DBMS with Ms SQL Server. Application using VB to do.
- The voice channel in mobile communication systems have high priority and are almost always available. By using the voice channel also for data transmissions it is possible to get the same availability as for voice calls. But due to speech codecs
- gis spatial data application development and design documents gis空间数据应用开发设计文档-gis spatial data application development and design documents
- 在php环境下简单的利用mysql数据库实现一些简答的数据操作,简答的了解数据库的连接及应用-php mysql application