- 采用matlab编写的数字图像恢复程序,和数字图像解卷积操作的程序。对常用的几种解卷积方法都有例子。-using Matlab prepared by the digital image recovery procedures, and digital image deconvolution operating procedures. Several pairs of common deconvolution method has examples.
- 关于levin anat的几篇去模糊的文章,有对模糊核的详细介绍,代码可以在作者的博客中找到。-This paper derives a simple approximated MAPk algorithm which involves only a modest modifi cation of common MAPx,k algorithms. We show that MAPk can, in fact, be optimized easily, with no addit
- This the code about deconvolution-This is the code about deconvolution
- 这是Qi Shan的非盲卷积去运动模糊算法实现,源码包含可执行的exe程序,可调用的dll、源码实现可在cmd窗口输入命令实现。-this program is writed by Qi Shan for non-blind-decov, the package includes .exe, .dll files, you can input your orders in commond windows in Dos
- How to perform a deconvolution in Matlab
- This function plots a Gaussian impulse response, unit impulse and the convolution/deconvolution of both using MATLAB s filter . Specifically it uses filter rather than deconv to do the deconvolution and thereby returns the original Gaussian
- 一般自然图像的梯度分布符合重尾分布,重尾分布也就是超拉普拉斯分布,根据这个特点进行图像复原。-The gradient of a natural image in line with heavy-tailed distribution, which is ultra-heavy-tailed distribution Laplace distribution, image restoration based on this feature.
- 盲反卷积 数字信号处理 图像处理 用于图像的盲反卷积 模糊处理-Blind deconvolution of digital signal processing image processing for blind image deconvolution obfuscation
- 快速有效的模糊去卷积方法,可以重建出清晰的图像(The fast and effective fuzzy deconvolution method can reconstruct a clear image)
- 这里上传的代码是基于VC++的盲区卷积算法实现图像去模糊的功能(Here uploaded the code is based on VC++ blind area convolution algorithm, to achieve the image deblurring function)
Iterarive Deconv
- matlab实现信号迭代解卷积功能。其中包含了三个文件:1.iter_Deconv,迭代解卷积子函数;2.receiver_H,例子中接收线圈系统函数生成子函数;3.测试迭代解卷积的测试函数。(matlab to achieve signal iteration deconvolution function. Which contains three files: 1.iter_Deconv, iteration deconvolution of the cumulative sub-funct