Delphi 7 从入门到精通随书源码
- Delphi 7 从入门到精通随书源码,写的比较浅显易懂,不过是英文版的,相信对你会有帮助。-Delphi 7 from entry to the source proficient with the book, written in relatively simple words, but is the English version, and I believe that will be helpful to you.
- 《Delphi深度历险》附书源码,很多例子值得参考-"Delphi depth Adventures" A source book, many examples worth considering
- DeepBlue Bluetooth Framework for Delphi 5.2.2 Bluetooth® Framework VCL™ is a VCL components set which allows you add communication support into your applications. By using Bluetooth® Framework VCL™ , your applications can work with inte
- 三层图书管理系统-Three-book management system
- delphi典型实验代码,正弦波画图,通讯录,学生成绩管理过程等-typical experiment delphi code, drawing sine wave, address book, their performance management process
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- 《Delphi 深度编程及其项目应用开发》 PDF格式 附带源码 简 介 本书是在总结作者多年Delphi开发经验的基础上编著而成。全书分为基础篇和应用篇。 基础篇结合示例论述了Delphi的深度编程技术,其中包括9章,分别为:理解Windows消息、 进程与线程、自定义组件的编写、文件操作、创建DLL应用程序、两层数据库应用程序、多 层数据库应用程序、Socket编程、串口编程;应用篇结合物资管理信息系统项目应用开发 技术和经验,详细阐述了一般管理
- Delphi面向对象编程思想的讲解,无论对于初学者还是delphi编程高手来说,都是一本不错的参考书。-Delphi explain object-oriented programming ideas, both for the beginner or expert for delphi programming, is a good reference book.
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Delphi XE3 Starter
- pdf book, delphi XE3 starter
Book Store System
- Book Store has a very good project. It has contained models like sales, store, and user details
- 这是一个毕业设计图书管理系统,delphi和sql2000实现。(Delphi library management system)
- Delphi eBook - Delphi Programming For Beginners - Yuriy Kalmykov - PDF
DELPHI XE10移动开发框架
- delphi开发APP的资料,包括主要构件的使用和主要技术(a pdf book for developing android app with delphi)
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- delphi xe6 android 编程入门带随书光盘,全源码。非常值得收藏的delphi android教程,由浅入深,共51个编程源码,如条码扫描,手机传感器调用,摄像头操作,sqlite数据库使用,内存卡缓存,虚拟键盘的操作等等源码。(Delphi Xe6 Android programming introduction with the book CD-ROM, the full source. It's worth collecting Delphi Android tutorial