- MS Office Delphi sample add-in README
- code to detect ms office key
- TeeChart Pro是一款提供上百种2D和3D图形风格、40种数学和统计功能、加上无限制的轴和22种调色板组件供选择。TeeChart还包括一个强大的、完整的编辑对话框,几乎可用于每个组件和子组件,允许你快速的设计复杂图表应用程序。 图表编辑器通过TeeCommander组件进一步得到增强,它提供一次点击访问图表编辑器和共同特征。 二、主要特性 是32位ActiveX控件,可以在VB、Delphi、MS Office等多种编程环境下使用; 可以直接存取ODBC数据源; 具
- EMS Excel Report component is a powerful band-oriented generator of template-based reports in MS Excel. Easy-to-use component property editors allow you to create powerful reports in MS Excel quickly, easily and intuitively understandable. Now
- NativeExcel 是一款Delphi下生成MS Excel文件的工具。它不需要用户安装Microsoft Office,而是直接生成excel文件-NativeExcel MS Excel is a tool to generate a file under Delphi. It does not require users to install Microsoft Office, but directly generate excel file
SMWord.V1.38 D2007 to XE2 Full Source
- 不需要安装office word或打开word,就能直接读取word文件,并转换成文本。SMWord.V1.38 D2007 to XE2 Full Source,实测支持在D7安装(SMWord suite for Delphi&C++Builder is a native VCL components for direct and fast text extraction from any MS Word document. MSWordDocument component al