- 同步发电机,用于仿真用,6.5以上可打开-Synchronous generator for the simulation used to open more than 6.5
- 用BP神经网络的初步级应用实现 电机故障诊断-BP neural network with the initial level of motor fault diagnosis applications
- 在診斷汽車的故障應用上,可以以can協議跟汽車通信,診斷汽車存在的問題,且通信高速.-Fault diagnosis of motor vehicles in the application, can be car can deal with communications, automotive diagnostic problems, and high-speed communications.
- 基于多传感器数据融合方法的电机故障诊断技术经典论文,深入浅出,值得参考。-Multi-sensor data fusion method based on motor fault diagnosis classic paper , a good reference.
- 用matlab编写的电机故障诊断的M文件,可以判断故障电机故障类型-Prepared using matlab M-file motor fault diagnosis, fault type motor failure can be judged
- 多回路法在故障诊断有着广泛应用,改程序是基于C++用多回路法计算凸极同步电机参数的函数。-Multi-loop method is widely used in fault diagnosis, changes are based on C++ with multi-loop method to calculate parameters of a salient pole synchronous motor function.
- The works presented in this dissertation are focussed on the design and the development of a diagnosis procedure by parameter estimation for stator and rotor faults in induction motor. Firstly, we review briefly the main techniques for fault dete
- 本程序为基于多回路理论的单相异步电机故障诊断程序,具有良好的效果-This program is based on multi-loop theory for single phase induction motor fault diagnosis procedures, with good results
- 模糊推理的电机故障诊断专家系统研究Motor based on fuzzy reasoning expert system for fault diagnosis-Motor based on fuzzy reasoning expert system for fault diagnosis
- 基于电流分析法的电动机故障诊断虚拟仪器系统的研制Motor current analysis method based on fault diagnosis system for virtual instrument-Motor current analysis method based on fault diagnosis system for virtual instrument
- 键合图的他励直流电动机故障诊断方法Bond Graph excited DC motor fault diagnosis method-Bond Graph excited DC motor fault diagnosis method
- 利用相关性基波消去法诊断电机转子断条故障Using the correlation matrix of wave elimination method to diagnosis motor broken rotor bar fault-Using the correlation matrix of wave elimination method to diagnosis motor broken rotor bar fault
- 带变频驱动系统的感应电机故障诊断研究Belt drive system of induction motor fault diagnosis-Belt drive system of induction motor fault diagnosis
- 共振解调与小波降噪在电机故障诊断中的应用Demodulated resonance technique and wavelet denoising and its application in fault diagnosis of motor-Demodulated resonance technique and wavelet denoising and its application in fault diagnosis of motor
- 变频电源笼型异步电机断条故障诊断仿真Variable frequency power supply of squirrel cage induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis simulation-Variable frequency power supply of squirrel cage induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis simulation
- 采样系统慢时变扰动比例积分观测器鲁棒控制Variable frequency power supply of squirrel cage induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis simulation-Variable frequency power supply of squirrel cage induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis simulation
- 异步电机断条故障诊断的细化包络方法Induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis zoom envelope method-Induction motor broken bar fault diagnosis zoom envelope method
- 永磁直流电机绕组脱焊故障在线诊断与分析Permanent magnet DC motor winding unsoldering on-line fault diagnosis and analysis-Permanent magnet DC motor winding unsoldering on-line fault diagnosis and analysis
- 基于EMD的直流电机换向电流提取程序。内含用LEM公司的霍尔传感器实测的微型直流电动机启动时的电流信号(真实的数据和大家分享),分别用小波滤波和EMD消噪,并用EMD提取直流分量、高频换向电流,对研究电机间接测速、启动特性测试很有帮助,对电机故障诊断也有帮助。-EMD-based DC motor commutation current extraction procedures. LEM s included with Hall sensors measured miniature DC mo
motor emd
- 小波变换及经验模式分解方法在电机轴承早期故障诊断中的应用(Study on the method of incipient motor bearing fault diagnosis based on wavelet transform and EMD)