- 该程序具有计算圆的周长、圆心、边长、面积、直径等功能,是用方便简洁-the procedures calculated the circumference of a circle, the center and side length, size, diameter and other functions, is simple convenience
- Diameter协议栈,一个非常好的框架,可以在此基础上进一步开发。-Diameter protocol stack, and a very good framework, the basis of further development.
- zemax源码: This DLL models a standard ZEMAX surface type, either plane, sphere, or conic The surface also demonstrates a user-defined apodization filter The filter is defined as part of the real ray trace, case 5 The filter can be used at th
- ansys 分析 圆环的受力:一个的圆环,受一对过直径的集中 应力, 作用下发生1mm的压缩量(如图所示)。已知材料的弹性模量E=2.0GPa,泊松比为0.3。用平面应力单元PLANE82分析圆环内部的应力分布情况-ansys analysis by the Circle : A Circle and the one across the diameter of the concentrated stress, occurred under 1 mm compression volume (as
- 一个多线程Applet,实现简单的动画,具体实现:自动出现由小到大变换的圆,位置和颜色随机,变到直径为150时擦除,重新再出现圆;变换速度可以由控制sleep时间的方式来完成。 -a multithreaded Applet achieve simple animation, concrete realization : automatically transform the small to large, round random location and color, change to
- 用旋转变换的方法生成一个有40个点,内径为100,外径为200的星形图形。 程序运行按键说明:q,w比例变换,a,s旋转变换,j,l,i,k为平移变换。-rotating transform, the formation of a 40 point, the diameter of 100 and 200 the diameter of astrocytes graphics. Running Press : q, w ratio conversion, a, s rotation transf
- This package includes the source code which computes the diameter (or an epsilon-approximation) of a points set, that can be randomly picked, or read from a file.
- 用汇编语言编写的画三个圆的源代码,一个大圆在屏幕中央,两个小圆在大圆两侧并且直径相等-assembler language of painting three round source code, a great circle of the screen, two knolls on both sides and the great circle equivalent diameter
- 实现两个同心圆,其中A园大小固定,另外一个B园默认与A园同大,程序开始不会不断缩小,当缩小到直径为0的时候自动放大,当放大到与A园等大的时候,继续缩小,如此循环。按下确定键控制暂停与开始。-Achievement of the two concentric circles, where A garden size is fixed, the other a B and A garden park with a large default, the program will not start s
- 利用simulink的s-function方式仿真一个单径瑞利信道,其多普勒谱为经典谱-Simulink using the s-function simulation of a single-mode Rayleigh channel diameter, the Doppler spectrum for the classical spectrum
- 钢筋工程量计算程序v1.1,可以根据钢筋的直径、数量和单根长度计算其总重量-Reinforced engineering calculation procedures for v1.1, can be reinforced in accordance with the diameter, number and length of a single calculation of its total weight
- CFX5 1996年正式面世,是全球第一个在复杂几何、网格、求解这三个CFD传统瓶径问题上均获得重大突破的商业CFD软件,CFX5掀开了新一代CFD软件的面纱,并领导着新一代CFD商业软件的整体发展趋势。 -CFX5 1996 was officially released, is the first in a complex geometry, grid, solving the three traditional bottle diameter CFD issues were a ma
- 目的: 全圆铣削过程(有刀径补正 进退刀圆弧等径 中心下刀) 输入: NC文件号incfileNum 输入: 备注strNote, 安全高度Millinitial_z, 铣深milldepth, Z进给高度millFdepth , 啄铣深度millzstpdepth,圆直径strDiamill, 圆心点集strCptsxy,刀号Tcur,刀径Diacur,转速Scur, 进给Fcur,刀长补正H,半径补正Dcur,铣削方向blnFangxXiang,[下一刀号]Tnxt
- 旋转云台 搭载物体旋转 正常运转有效载重>5kg 云台直径50cm 电机最小角度精度<2° 拍摄360°时间<1分钟 被拍摄物体在拍摄前后不应发生位移 供电电源交流220V 步进电机 带动云台按规定角度旋转 单片机控制电路 使用计算机信号控制电机旋转,返回运行状态由电脑显示,使用串口或USB,提供PC端控件供VC或VB调用,以便程序控制 外壳 容纳控制板和电机,包含幕布和摄像头支架 结实耐用,整机重量小于5kg 摄像头支架可固定摄像头或数
- 提供对Diameter消息,avp的封装解析功能的工具类,很方便可以解析出来.-Diameter provides information, avp analytic function of the package tools, you can easily resolve them.
- The mode field diameter variation of a varying diameter single mode fiber.
Regional Cardiac Motion and Strain Estimation in Three-Dimensional Echocardiography: A Validation Study in Thick-Walled
- Automatic quantification of regional left ventricular deformation in volumetric ultrasound data remains challenging. Many methods have been proposed to extract myocardial motion, including techniques using block matching, phase-based correlation, dif
- 此文件主要用于求径极基函数,可用于求曲面内极大值、极小值,力求曲面包络。-This file is used to find the diameter of the main pole base function can be used to find the surface maxima, minima, and strive to music enveloping.
- 求解shape diameter function (SDF)三维形状特征的源代码,对三维形状的尺度大小,刚性形变都有很好的鲁棒性。是比较稳定显著的特征。-this algorithm is a volume-based shape-function called the shape diameter function (SDF), which remains largely oblivious to pose changes of the same object and mai
- 利用面阵相机测量硬币直径,文档给出测量五毛钱硬币直径的相关程序。-The coin diameter is measured by a plane array camera, and the relevant program for measuring the diameter of 50 fen coins is given in the document.