- 5800C Fm芯片资料和驱动代码 技术特点: *国内首颗采用CmOS工艺的调频收音机芯片; *驱动能力强,可直接驱动耳机及放大器; *功耗低,比国外先进方案还低1mA; *频率覆盖从76m-108m的各国调频波段; *高度集成度,所需外围器件数为零; *强大的LOW-IF数字音频结构; *强大的数字信号处理技术(DSP),实现自动频率控制和自动增益控制; *数字自适应噪声抑制 接受灵敏度高、音质出色、立体声效果优异; *支持重低音,可调式电台搜寻、柔
- 移位运算器SHIFTER 使用Verilog HDL 语言编写,其输入输出端分别与键盘/显示器LED 连接。移位运算器是时序电路,在J钟信号到来时状态产生变化, CLK 为其时钟脉冲。由S0、S1 、m 控制移位运算的功能状态,具有数据装入、数据保持、循环右移、带进位循环右移,循环左移、带进位循环左移等功能。 CLK 是时钟脉冲输入,通过键5 产生高低电平m 控制工作模式, m=l 时带进位循环移位,由键8 控制CO 为允许带进位移位输入,由键7 控制:S 控制移位模式0-3 ,由键6 控制
- 单片机的数字钟设计,毕业设计,带Protel图,源代码用proteus软件仿真通过,附有毕设论文-microcontroller digital clock design, graduate design with Protel map, the source code through the use proteus software simulation, with a Bi-based papers
- m sure you ve seen analog clocks, digital clocks and maybe even binary clocks! Traditionally, analog clocks (or watches) display time by a continuous motion of two (hour, minute) or three (second) rotating pointers pointing to numbers arrayed on a c
- A timing error detector for Communication systems with simulink. # Required versions matlab 5.2.1, Simulink 2.2.1 # File descr iption 1. ti_det1.m (simulink version 5.2.1) An s-function to be used for timing detector. For detailed i
- its a m file. digital clock
- 基于51单片机数码管的电子时钟,时间精确-Based on 51 single chip microcomputer digital tube digital clock, time accurately
- 2011年全国大学生电子设计竞赛E题“简易数字信号传输性能分析仪”fpga的控制代码,verilog编写;包括了m序列及同步时钟的提取等所有程序。-2011 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest E title "Simple digital signal transmission performance analyzer" fpga control code, verilog prepared including the m-seq
- 给定当前的时间,请用英文的读法将它读出来。 时间用时h和分m表示,在英文的读法中,读一个时间的方法是: 如果m为0,则将时读出来,然后加上“o clock”,如3:00读作“three o clock”。 如果m不为0,则将时读出来,然后将分读出来,如5:30读作“five thirty”。 时和分的读法使用的是英文数字的读法,其中0~20读作: 0:zero, 1: one, 2:two, 3:three, 4:four, 5:five, 6:six,
- 南工程数电课程设计多功能数字钟优秀设计 所有原理图 电路图 实际接线图都在哦-Southern electrical engineering curriculum design number of outstanding design multifunction digital clock schematic circuit diagram of all the actual wiring diagram are oh
- 用stc12c2052ad为单片机内核,内附图片,四位数码管显示,12m晶振,完美时钟,让我们“hi”起来!-For single chip microcomputer with stc12c2052ad kernel, enclose pictures, the four digital tube display, 12 m crystals, perfect clock, let us hi !
TELE - 653 digital Coding
- e Handbook Entry Communication concepts: Fourier transforms, random signals, Transmitter and receiver filters, matched filter, Nyquist criterion. digital modulation schemes: m-ary ASK, QPSK, FSK, CPm, spectral analysis of modulated signals, mL and
- 设计一个简易数字信号ASK调制系统。系统数字基带信号V1为m序列伪随机信号,载波信号V2为正弦波周期信号,V3为V1经二进制幅移键控调制后的输出。系统输入为clock和RESET信号,clock是系统时钟信号,上升沿触发。RESET为系统异步复位信号,高有效。(A simple digital signal ASK modulation system is designed. The system digital baseband signal V1 is m sequence pseudo r
- 一个16QAm数字调制电路,包括时钟生成电路,m伪随机序列生成电路,串并转换电路,电平映射电路、载波信号发生电路、ASK幅度调制电路及加法器(A 16QAm digital modulation circuit, including clock generation circuit, m pseudo-random sequence generation circuit, serial parallel conversion circuit, level mapping circuit, car