- 本系统在Windows XP系统下编译通过,需要DirectX SDK的支持,下面以DirectX 9.0 SDK为例,编译环境的设置,不要使用summer 2004版本的SDK.-the system in Windows XP system compiler, DirectX SDK needs the support of the following DirectX 9.0 SDK for example, the build environment settings, not to us
- 网络会议视频同步播放!程序运行在Windows 98/2000/XP/2003平台下,可在VC++ 6.0或.NET中调试。调试前请先安装Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK。因为本章的程序用到DirectShow的COM,需要在程序options→directories→include files中添加“E:\\Program Files\\Microsoft DirectX 9.0SDK\\Samples\\C++\\DirectShow\\BaseClasses”。注意:st
- SOFTWELL车牌识别源代码 产品说明 SOFTWELL SDK是专为从事车牌识别软件产品开发的客户而设计的软件开发包。采用国际领先的计算机视觉和图像处理算法,结合国际领先的神经网络算法,索威尔车牌识别采用模块的方式提供车牌识别功能的软件。具有高速的识别速度和可信识别正确率,以减轻各开发商的开发成本,提高其竞争力。适用于城市交通管理、超速监控、公路计费、停车场管理、被盗车辆侦破等应用开发。 车牌识别SDK组成模块: 1.车牌检测:检测输入照片或视频中是否存在车牌。 2.车牌识别:对检测到的车牌
- This library contains helper functions to read image frames into matlab from Video file using DirectShow. This library has borrowed codes from Ashwin Thangali s "DirectShow (DirectX) based AVI file reader", and it can read multiple video formats
- 25/05/2005 : Demo ported to DirectX April SDK 2004 // - Batch Grass Vertex // - Use HLSL Vertex Shader to move grass // // - Grass texture used is a modified version of the ATI Grass Demo -25/05/2005 : Demo ported to DirectX April SDK 2004
- Managed DirectX 9.0 SDK Summer 2004 中文开发文档 支持 Microsoft Visual C# Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Microsoft Visual C++ Microsoft Jscr ipt .NET-Managed DirectX 9.0 SDK Summer 2004 Chinese Development Documentation to support Microsoft Visual C# Micr
- Managed DirectX 9.0 SDK summer 2004 中文文档
- 来源于网上的Directx SDK2004中文版,只为积分可下载,如有冲突,非吾之过。-Directx SDK2004 online from the Chinese version can be downloaded only for the points, if any conflict, Fei-wu of the over.
- DirectX 9.0 Sdk Summer 2004