- 取得屏幕上的一个颜色.用到了 [DllImport(\"gdi32.dll\")] private static extern bool BitBlt( IntPtr hdcDest, // 目標設備的句柄 int nXDest, // 目標對像的左上角的X坐標 int nYDest, // 目標對像的左上角的X坐標 int nWidth, // 目標對像的矩形的寬度 int nHeight, // 目標對像的矩形的長度 IntPtr hdcS
- 识别图片上的文字,识别率有80% 附加c#调用 [DllImport(\"AspriseOCR.dll\")] static extern string craboOCR(string file, int type) private void GetVeryfyCode() { if(File.Exists(_imgPath))//ok now? { try { this.picbVeryfyCode.Image=Syste
- C#程序静态调用Pcomm.dll的文件和Pcomm.dll 2.0 namespace NewPort { public class OperPComm { [DllImport("PComm.dll", EntryPoint = "sio_open")] public static extern int sio_open(int port); [DllImport("PComm.dll", E
- .NET TWAIN image scanner-Abstract In Windows imaging applications, the most used API for scanning is TWAIN www.twain.org. Unfortunately, the new .NET Framework has no built-in support for TWAIN. So we have to work with the interop methods of .NET t
- 这是专门为 C# 开发者定制的 ZC030X 编程接口。C# 开发者可以如下方式进行调用: 首先需要进行声明: ... using System.Runtime.InteropServices public class win32{ [DllImport("zc030xlib.dll", EntryPoint = "capInitCamera")] public static extern int capInitCamera() }-This is speci
- 动态连接库的调用测试 __declspec(dllimport) -Dynamic Link Library call test __declspec (dllimport)
- WINCE full screen application sample! DllImport, IntPtr, coredll.dll, vs2008-WINCE full screen application sample! DllImport, IntPtr, coredll.dll, vs2008
- Dll注入辅助工具1·0C源码 黑客基地 下载的 说白了,不是我写的,大家看上的就拿去吧 我不收钱!-Dll injection tool 1.0 C source said hackers download white base, is not written by me, watch the U.S. do not take my money go!
- G722_1Decoder 是一个基于C的可供移植的DLL, 可以用于引入到.Net程序,只需调用DllImport即可方便地在.Net Project 里使用,可用于多媒体在网络中的实时音频传输和播放。-Is a G722_1Decoder of available C based on the DLL, can be used for the introduction of the. Net program, simply call the DllImport can easily.
- low level sound player , play any sound file using [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern long mciSendString( string strCommand, StringBuilder strReturn, int iReturnLength, IntPtr oCallback) with c#-low level sound
- dll 实现起来很简单:方法1。通过DLLEXPORT 和dllimport 实现d-dll to achieve is simple: Method 1
- 文件切割 核心是 [DllImport("vidoClip.dll")] public static extern void vidoClip(int a, int b, StringBuilder path, StringBuilder outpath)-file cut cure is “ [DllImport("vidoClip.dll")] public static extern void vidoClip(int a, int b, Strin
- c#调用MMC的代码示例 包括DLLImport代码-C# code for how to invoke the dll to control the MMC
- I ve been using Port95NT s DlPortIO.dll to read/write bits to my parallel port for many years with C++ by using the associated DlPortIO.lib and a custom wrapper class. Since I ve moved to (mostly) C#, I wanted to create a managed assembly to standard
- DMC5400 motion controller card s dllimport in c#.
- 实现C#反射调用DLL,可以动态调用,抛弃了往常的DLLImport用法,方便快捷。-To achieve C# reflection call the DLL can be dynamically invoked, abandoned usual DLLImport usage, quick and easy.
- Windows phone DLL import development
- hook process then capture image and attach COleDispatchDriver of CMSFlexGrid get cell text declare them and use void _declspec (dllimport) InstallHook (void) . void _declspec (dllimport) UnInstallHook (void) build in vs2005-hook process then capture
- Address of variables can t be used for initialization in C language modes.
- NB: MSVC issues a warning and makes GlobalRedecl3 dllexport. We follow GCC and drop the dllimport with a warning.