- UNZIP with directory preservation. This sample contains long file names. Uploaded on 24 April, 2000. The COLORLB sample shows how to implement an owner-draw list box. The box is drawn LBS_OWNERdrawFIXED and also uses the LBS_HASSTRINGS style. The box
- 在图形系统draw的基础上扩展功能开发完成的。主要扩展了图形块的制作功能,在矢量图形系统中绘制图例(插入图形块)的功能,图形选中功能,线型及颜色的设置功能,图层的设置管理功能,图形数据接口等。
console app to draw with opengl
- console app to draw with opengl
- 本人自行开发的一个小程序,可以绘制基本形状,还可以实现简单的图形变换,此外还有3D图形(openGL编程)-I developed a small program can draw basic shapes, but also simple graphical transformation, in addition to 3D graphics (openGL Programming)
Demo project showing how to custom draw single items
- Demo project showing how to custom draw single items in a listview,Demo project showing how to custom draw single items in a listview
graphics.rar 图形设计
- 本程序是图形的设计,比较简单 可以画线,圆和椭圆 并可以平移,旋转,选择删除,回退,保存 打开图形,The code is used to graph design. It can draw line,draw circle,draw ellipse.The graph can be rotated,translated and selected delete,undo,save.
- 基于Visual C++ 6.0开发系统,仿制Windows画图软件,实现如下功能: 1. 动态绘制文本、直线、矩形、圆(椭圆)、多边形等基本图形; 2. 可以改变图形的颜色、粗细、线型(实线、虚线、点划线等); 3. 可以实现图形的剪切、复制、粘贴、缩放(全部或指定区域)等基本编辑功能; 4. 基本的图形保存、打开、显示等功能;-Based on Visual C++ 6.0 development system, generic Windows drawing softwar
- 用vc打开一副bmp或jpg格式图片,并可在图片上动态显示地画圆,椭圆,以及矩形-use vc to open a bmp or jpg image,and can draw cicle,ellipse,rectange dynamically.
- draw(vc++)-draw (vc++)
- One example use c functions to draw boxes,and show the method to use keyboard!
- 这是一个用鼠标划光滑曲线的函数,利用matlab编写-This is a smooth curve with the mouse draw a function of the preparation of the use of matlab
- vc++画图板程序,功能比Windows自带的画图板还要强。从界面来看,像是用有某种皮肤控件,但编译时候没有发现控件,顺利编译。它还可以更换风格,选择不同的皮肤颜色,当初是费了不少心思来完成这款小程序,它主要的画图功能有六种: 1.普通矩形样式 2.圆角矩形样式 3.椭圆样式 4.气球样式 5.吊篮样式 6.心脏样式-vc++ drawing board procedures, more powerful than Windows bu
- Mini draw,画图板功能,简单的类的继承与多态,类似windows自带的画图软件-Mini draw, drawing boards feature a simple class inheritance and polymorphism, similar to the Paint software that comes with windows
- draw a line on screen continuously.-draw a line on screen continuously.
- 这是一个简单的画图程序,全部调用的是系统的画笔和画刷工具,可以画一些简单的图形(如铅笔功能、橡皮擦、圆、直线、折线等),可以设置一些图形的属性,如填充样式、线型等!目前还没有画贝塞尔曲线的功能,可以存储图形!功能比较简单!另外,由于做了双缓冲处理,所以画图时屏幕没什么闪烁! 实现的功能不是太复杂,只是一些基本的功能!-This is a simple drawing program, all the system calls the brush and the brush tool, you c
- 画图板,可以实现橡皮、铅笔、画刷和画直线、矩形、多边形、圆形、圆矩形的功能,并可以实现颜色选择。-drawing board, can be achieved rubber, pencil, brush, and draw lines, rectangles, polygons, circles, round rectangle features, and colors can be achieved.
- 一个简单的QT绘制图像的例子。方便学习。-QT draw a simple example of the image. Facilitate learning.
- 将vc数据保存至excel中,并将数据按照excel格式画图柱状图-it s save dataes to excel document,and draw histogram for dataes on the excel
- 本程式是用OPENCV,自動建立圖檔,並在圖檔中繪圖,預設可畫出立體正方形-This program is OPENCV, automatically create a drawing, and drawing in the drawing, the default can draw three-dimensional square
- ArcEngine二次开发绘制图形功能,包括画线对象,画圆对象,画面对象和画文本对象-Secondary development ArcEngine draw graphics functions, including drawing a line object, draw a circle object, the screen object and draw a text object