- Plays Windows Media files including files packaged with DRM. It is controlled through a GUI, and commands include Play, Pause, Seek and Stop. The sample can play local files or files read from the Internet (including those output to the Internet
- Media-S is an open-source development project that aims to create an open Digital Rights Management (DRM) interface for the creation, playback, and management of multimedia files.- Media-S is an open-source development project that aims to create an
- 开发drm(数据版权管理)必备的sdk,网上很少有下载,如果从微软网站下载,windows需要经过正版认证.-Development drm (data rights management) required sdk, few online download from the Microsoft website, windows genuine need to go through certification.
- DRM 的SDK,即对wma文件进行加密的sdk安装文件-windows media rights manager sdk
- DRM服务器端软件,能对音视频文件进行加密,并设置使用权限,授权并控制用户的使用-DRM server-side software, audio and video files can be encrypted, and set permissions, authorization and control the user' s use of
- Programmer’s Reference Manual IP2022 Internet Processor This manual describes the architecture and instruction set of the IP2022 Internet Processor
- Clear the entire fbcon. The drm will program every connector with it s preferred mode. If the sizes differ, one display will quite likely have garbage around the console.