Motion JPEG Demo on TMS320DM6446
- This application report describes how to build a motion JPEG demo running on Texas Instruments DM6446 processor leveraging the JPEG codec combo and XDC tools provided with the DM6446 DVEVM/DVSDK package. The demo is derived from the motion JPEG de
- TI DM6446的JPEG移动演示程序源码-This application report describes how to build a motion JPEG demo running on Texas Instruments DM6446 processor leveraging the JPEG codec combo and XDC tools provided with the DM6446 DVEVM/DVSDK package. The demo is derived
- 6446是一个基于arm9和dsp的一块音视频处理芯片,可用用这方面的开发-This is the DVSDK 1.30 GA release for the DaVinci DM6446 platform. The DVSDK Software release, coupled with the Demonstration Version of MontaVista Linux Pro v4.0.1 for DaVinci, gives developers the ability t
- DSP EVMDM6446 Encode Doc
- TI的数字视频软件开发包(DVSDK)提供了Codec Engine这样一个软件模块来实现ARM和DSP或协处理器的协同工作。有很多工程师反馈这个软件模块非常好用,节省了很多开发时间,也有工程师认为TI提供的资料太多,不知如何快速上手。本文将从一个第一次接触Codec Engine的工程师角度出发,归纳TI提供的相关资源(文档,例程和网络资源)并介绍相关开发调试方法帮您快速入门Codec Engine。-TI' s digital video software development ki