- 使用JAVA语言开发的一个电子商务网站,前台显示及后台管理完备
- gps_isr.c pserver:anon@source.eecs.berkeley.edu:/home/cvs/cvsanon ptII
- 基于HSI的彩色图像均衡算法,是发表于2008年EECS上文章的源码。-Hasan Demirel and Gholamreza Anbarjafari, "HSI Based Colour Image Equalization using Iterative nth Root and nth Power", 5th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Systems (EECS’08), November 27-28, 200
The project for EECS 241A Digital Communications
- project of DC.doc
- 嵌入式基准程序集Mibench,如果需要全部测试软件,请从密西根大学网站上下载: http://www.eecs.umich.edu/mibench/ -Set of embedded benchmarks Mibench, all the test software, if necessary, from the University of Michigan website: http://www.eecs.umich.edu/mibench/
- A Survey of Energy Efficient Network Protocols forWireless Networks ∗ CHRISTINE E. JONES ∗ ∗ BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA KRISHNA M. SIVALINGAM∗ ∗ ∗ School of EECS, Washington State University,
- A matrix is a rectangular table of elements,which can be any number or abstract quantities that can be added and multiplied. Matrix multiplication is the operation of multiplying a matrix with a scalar or another matrix, which is simple fuction widel
- 用Verilog实现一个简单的流水线CPU,并运行一个Quicksort程序。这是Berkley,eecs系的计算机系统结构课程实验的实验三。-This file is written in Verilog to achieve a simple pipeline CPU, which can run a Quicksort program.
- 本文档介绍了一个简单的单周期CPU,和流水线CPU的实现过程。 这是我们完成伯克利大学EECS系计算机系统结构课程的实验文档,实验信息见http://www-inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cs152/fa05/-This document describes a simple single-cycle CPU, and CPU pipeline implementation process. This is the complete Berkeley EECS Departme
- MIT的EECS学院本科新生入学第一门课程introduction_to_cs&programming的课堂代码,也是学习python语言和计算机科学很好的资料。-MIT' s EECS Undergraduate Freshmen first course introduction_to_cs & programming class code to learn python is a good language and computer science information.
- MIT的EECS学院本科新生入学第一门课程introduction_to_cs&programming的作业答案,也是学习python语言和计算机科学很好的资料。-Institute of MIT' s EECS undergraduate admission first course introduction_to_cs & programming operating the answer is to learn good python language and computer
- MIT的EECS学院本科新生入学第一门课程introduction_to_cs&programming的考试及答案,也是学习python语言和计算机科学很好的资料。-Institute of MIT' s EECS undergraduate admission first course introduction_to_cs & programming examinations and answers to learn python is a good language and c
- EECS 150 - Components and Design Techniques for Digital Systems
- thid pdf describing about Building Ptolemy II Models Graphically
- 用于目标跟踪的源代码,发布于CVPR2011中的一篇文章,作者的源代码,大家可以看看。-Version 0.1 of Energy Based Multiple Model Fitting for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion The code is currently licenced for non-commercial use only. Other licences can be arranged on contact with the
- PKU EECS 大一上学期 计算概论 大作业 ---黑白棋-PKU EECS Introduction to calculate semester freshman big job--- Othello
- 解各种优化方法的matlab开发包 Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) toolbox : http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~ronrubin/software.html l1_ls toolbox: http://stanford.edu/~boyd/l1_ls/ FISTA : http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~yang/software/l1benchmark/ l1-Ho